Everythings alright

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Natsu was walking Juvia home. While they were walking, Juvia began to grow more and more tired; due to the constant walking. "I can carry you the rest of the way." Said Natsu. "Natsu-San, that's a generous offer....Juvia will accept." Juvia climbed on Natsus back and yawned. "Fairy hills right? Asked Natsu. "No, a small neighborhood over the hill, that's were Juvia lives." Said Juvia as she fell asleep. Natsu grinned and started walking.

After about half an hour, Natsu woke Juvia and said his goodbyes. "I'll see ya tomorrow then?" Natsu asked. Juvia rubbed he eyes and nodded. Into her home she went. After watching her walk in, he looked to the ground. "Do I have feelings for Juvia? BAH! I'll sleep on it." Little did Natsu know, Juvia was thinking the same thing.

Natsu started for the guild, "Nights still young, so everyone should still be in there. Eh, I can sleep later." A few more steps forward her stopped. He caught the scent of a familiar person. Though he kept walking and said nothing

When he got to the hall, he saw Happy with Wendy and Carla. He went over to greet the blue exceed. "Hi Natsu! We completed our mission and we were rewarded with fiiiiiiiiish!" Happy drooled. "Stupid tom-cat! We were not! You were!" Said Carla harshly. "Well, anyway, I'm headed to Lucy's, you commin with me?" Asked Natsu. "Aye!" Replied happy. "Right." Said Natsu as they started for Lucy's apartment.

  Once he and Happy arrived, he surveyed Lucy's apartment building and his eyes rested on Lucy's room. "Her lights are on. She's awake. Well, she was stalking me earlier." Natsu declared to himself. He drew many breaths before he began to climb. "I cannot believe I'm not in jail yet." Natsu mumbled to himself. "Because Lucy tolerates you!" Commented  happy.


Lucy was in her living room with tears streaming down her eyes. Tears of joy. But her mind was with Natsu and Juvia. "Maybe they're not dating and I'm just crazy. Yeah! That's it! I'm just overthinking things! Maybe they're just friends, no way Natsu could ever understand such complex emotions right?!"Exclaimed Lucy.

She squeaked as she heard a knock come from her window. She quickly got up and dashed to the window. She gave Natsu a wide toothy grin. "Hey Luce!"

Natsu immediately took notice of her red eyes. "Have you been...crying?" Natsu said slowly. Lucy was caught by suprise and quickly turned around. "No! Why would I do such a thing?" Lucy replied stubbornly. Natsu asked once more. "Luce, seriously, have you been crying?" "No! They're just tears of joy!" Lucy was still being stubborn. "LUCY!?" Yelled Natsu.

Lucy jumped when she heard him shout. She turned around, only to see a serious look on Natsus face. Both She and Happy burst into laughter, which caused Natsu to get more annoyed. "Luce c'mon!" Groaned Natsu. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's just that I've never seen you so serious!" Lucy said through laughter. After hearing that Natsu started grinning. Through his best efforts, he attempted to keep a straight face. He was failing miserably. Lucy was just sitting across from him laughing at the faces he was making while trying not to grin. Natsu laughed along with her. "You looooove each other!" Cooed happy, but he wasn't heard. Happy's comment went unreceived.

After they all finally stopped laughing, Lucy looked to the ground and asked Natsu. "So you're dating Juvia right?" Natsu was taken aback by her question. "Uhh...no?......Where'd you get that idea?" Questioned Natsu. "I saw you carrying her home..." Lucy said. "Oh so you were following me...she found out you and Gray were dating and I found her crying near the guild so I took her home." Lucy didn't say anything else. "Can we play Truth or dare? Pleeeeeeeease?!?" Asked an excited Natsu, he hoped it would break the awkward silence. "Fine...hey, where's happy?" Asked Lucy. "Here I am!" Happy replied with a mouth full of fish. "You know what? I'm gonna let this slide....for now." Lucy said.

"I go first! Luce, Truth, or dare!?" Natsu asked enthusiastically "dare!" Lucy replied. "I dare you to give me a summary of the book you're writing!" Natsu commanded. Lucy gave Natsu a Dead look. "Never gonna happen." Lucy growled. "Natsu, truth or dare?" Lucy asked Evily. "Dare!" Natsu jumped up. "Go drink the toilet water!" Lucy laughed. Natsu went limp. "Really? Fiiine."

Natsu made his way to the bathroom with Lucy close behind. He kneeled down and took a deep breath. Lucy tried to stifle her laughter. "Here we go." Natsu groaned. He places his cupped hand in the toilet and drank. "Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! It tastes like dirty waaaater! Luuuuucy! I hate you!!" Screamed Natsu. Lucy burst into laughter. "You look like a dead fish!" Lucy managed through laughter. "FISH!" Happy bolted to the bathroom and broke into laughter at the sight before him. "I need to brush my teeth! I'm gonna puke!" Gagged Natsu. "No no no no! There's a spare tooth brush right here!" Lucy had tears streaming down her face due to laughter.

Natsu came out of the bathroom to see Lucy in the floor crying tears of laughter and face completely red. Happy was still munching away at his fish. "Hardy har-har. Truth or dare?" Asked Natsu. "Truth." Breathed Lucy. Natsu tried to come up with questions. Finally he came up with one and shot. "How long had you and Gray been seeing each other?" NATSU asked with a smug expression.

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