Final assault

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Natsu sprung to his feet. Juvia copying his motions.  "Happy, stay here bud." Happy nodded. "Aye!" They both geared up and ran out the door. The monsters were flooding the night sky as Gray and Lucy were trying to take them down from the ground. He caught the flying figures of Erza in her heavens wheel armor and Blu wearing a red and gold armor. He ignited his arms and lunges into battle, Juvia just stayed low and put out the surrounding fires.

Blu drove his long sword through one of the Griffons chest, but was thrown to the ground by another. "Blu!" The female from earlier screamed. The man quickly dropped the three he was dealing with before bolting to Blu. The Griffon drove its razor sharp wing into his hip. Blu screamed in agony but continued to struggle. He broke off the nails that had him pinned. The Griffin tried to fly away, but Blu jumped on its back and slashed away at its eye.

Erza has came down and assessed his injuries. "You're bleeding. It's bad. You need to-" Blu shook his head. "No, no, we've killed most of them." Just then the trio from before came and shook away their fears. "You're losing blood kid. Fall back." Blu ignored him and flew up. The Alpha appeared and engaged Blu.

Blu saw this from the corner of his eye. He requipped out of his flight armor and requipped metal gauntlets that encased either of his arms. He raised his arms and left himself open so the Griffin would catch him. "What the hell are you doing?" Gray shouted. "Don't!" Lucy echoed. "Dammit." Natsu grumbled and made a move to go help him. Juvia made a water slide with the intent to have Natsu intercept the path.

Blu grabbed the massive talon and twisted it, smirking as he heard a crack. I response the Griffon dropped him, he centered himself and requipped a dagger with chains wrapped around his arm. He threw the dagger and it etched itself in the skin. At this time Natsu caught Blu from his free fall. As they landed Blu used his strength to tear it from the sky. It came crashing down and slid across an open plain.

Blu used his speed to tie down the beast with the chains. He sat a top the Griffon and preferred everyone to attack it. "Fire dragons....roar!" Natsu launched the first assault. Lucy had sagitarios fire arrows at its eyes. Gray stared to freeze its wings while Juvia flooded its nose with water in attempt to drown it. Erza was slashing through it me hide and drawing massive amounts of blood.

Blu suddenly felt the resistance against his chains weaken, them totally drop. He requipped back I to his usual attire and jumped down. Team Natsu celebrated and cheered. The others had flown away back into the mountains. Blu stood watching everyone cheer. Erza looked away from the huddle and noticed Blu was about to pass out. Just then Blu lost his footing. She quickly took action, and caught him before he hit the ground. Blu stared up at her and smiled. "We did it." Erza nodded. "Yes."
Team Natsu was all ready to go. Blu met up with them to bid them farewell. Natsu was the first to see him. "Hey man!" He greeted. "Hey guys. Thanks for helping out. We couldn't have done it without you." Gray nodded. "It's what we do." Blu nodded. "Well. I wish you guys well." Erza cleared her throat. "Hey, Blu?" He stopped and turned around. "Yeah?"

  "Would you consider coming back with us?" Blu blinked. "Like join the guild?" Erza nodded. "Yeah! You'd love it! It's so much fun!" Natsu said excitedly. "Aye sir!" Happy echoed. "I don't know. I'm not really fit for that lifestyle." Blu scratched his head. "Blu could learn. Juvia thinks he should just try." Blu sighed. "Go away kid." Blu spin around. "Sir?"

  "You heard me. Go with them. Enjoy life. You're young." He said. "Sir are you-" He was cut off. "If you call me sir one more time." Blu shuffled. "Sorry, Kenyan, What about the village?" Kenyan huffed. "We're not going anywhere kid. So run away." Blu nodded and turned around. "Time for a whole new life."

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