chapter one

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Deku's pov

The annoying buzz of my alarm clock pulls me out of yet another nightmare. I'd be happy of it wasn't for the fact I was actually enjoying it. I pull my stiff and tired body up off my bed, rubbing my eyes before peeking at the clock. 9:30Am.

hmm, that's nice-

"I'm late!" I quickly throw on my uniform, not bothering with my evil cloud of green and black hair, and rush out of the dorms, practically sprinting to 1A. However not before spraying myself.

I throw open the door, bringing all attention towards me, the look I receive from aziwa sensei has my fluffy green ears folded back. "late. Again," he states, clearly unimpressed.

Okay, so maybe I've been late a few times recently. And by late I kind of sort of mean everyday...

But it's not my fault! You try being in the same class as the two hottest boys in your grade. And if that isn't hard enough, I'm their mate.

You're probably a bit confused right now, I mean, I just called them hot, why wouldn't I want them to be my mates? Well, the thing is, they don't actually know...

Yeah, I'm matted to two gorgeous beings, and yet they don't know. They know they have a third mate, even though they were surprised at first. It's not impossible to have two mates of course, but it is extremely rare. Anyway, when I got my mark, they were already together. My mark soon appeared on both of them as well and ever since then they've been looking for their mate. I'm lucky I have a half decent brain and I was able to make something up that hid the mate bond from them. Unfortunately for me, I still feel every bit of it. And being so close yet so far from them, well, it feels like I'm going mad.

I spare a glance at the two, all the breath in my lungs leaving me at once.

Shoto Todoroki, one of four alphas out of the school. His two-toned hair and mix match eyes easily make him one of the most handsome boys alive. He, like everyone else, was looking at me, his usual impassive face showing amusement.

I look at my childhood best friend, a spiky haired ash blond who was an explosive wolf. He was 6'5, slightly smaller compared to Todoroki's, 6'7. Like Todoroki, he was an alpha, however everyone knew that in the end, he would submit to Todoroki. No one can blame him; Todoroki is the most powerful alpha here. His ruby red eyes also showed amusement, slowly shaking his head with a smirk.

In case you're confused, Katchan and I are still best of friends. He doesn't bully me, nor has he ever, it's more like teasing. Todoroki and I are quite close to, even if they don't know I'm their mates. However, since I found out, I have admittedly been trying to avoid them, even though it's killing me.

A tired pro hero clears his throat, successfully gaining my attention again. However, before looking at him, I see Denki smirking at me to. However, this one's different then my mates, and causes heat to rise to my cheeks.

Denki and Kirishima both know who my mates are, and they also know why I can't tell them. They don't like it, but they agreed not to say anything about it, to which I am extremely grateful.

"Heh... Uh, sorry?" I awkwardly speak up, scratching at the back of my neck and letting out a nervous giggle. The pro hero doesn't look any less annoyed, and I can't blame him, I've been late every day for the past three weeks. Ever since I found out who my mates where.

He doesn't really do anything about it because even though I'm late, I'm also always the first one done with my homework, assignments and any work in general. Even if doing that is getting rid of the little sleep I do get.

Aziwa seemed to think about something for a moment before sighing and shaking his head. "Just sit down," he mumbles, stepping into his sleeping bag as I scurry off to my desk.

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