not a chapter

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Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for all the reads! 2000! It warms my dead heart to know people actually read my crap books.

I also wanted to say I'm doing a Q/A, so if you have any questions whether it be for the characters of me, then just comment them in the section. When I get enough I'll post an update of it!

also, if you have any ideas you want me to include in this story, put them in the comments. I can't garente (i can't fucking spell :'(     . ) i'll use your idea but i'll definitely consider it.       

Edit= also, any quirks that you think are cool that I could give someone, please tell me! I can't think of anything!! Oh, and I'd prefer something dangerous as well!                                                                                                     

Well that's it so see you on Friday!

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