chapter 50

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i apologize for the wait! i kept on procrastinating and my skateboard just came in the mail so i've been collecting a new set of bruises. also, there will only be about five more chapters of this book to read. there will be a second book though so don't worry! anyway, here you go.

TW- mentions of abuse, small amount of harm caused by teacher towards student, tell me if i mixed anything!

"O-ouch! Slow down!"

"Suck it up, we're close."

"To bad we're slowing down, or I won't be able to walk much longer!" Pulling my hand away from the fuming teacher I rub at my wrist only to whimper when I came in contact with a bruise.

Aizawa, who had left the students with another teacher who arrived at the scene and had been running after us with my brothers in mates in tow, stepped between the number one pro and I, glancing at my wrist before his eyes visibly hardened into a glare.

"That is enough Toshinori," looking away from the two glaring alpha's I glance up to Kacchan who had pulled me a few feet away and was currently looking at the healing bruise on my wrist with a frown, and I doubt he would have been able to stop himself from attacking the pro hero had he not been holding back Todoroki.

"I thought your demon blood would make it heal faster?" He questions, one hand holding up my arm as he examines the bruise and the other holding the collar of Todoroki's shirt.

"Hmm? Oh, it does. But not for bruises. Hasn't ever since... um, for a while. Kiri and Kami think it's a mental block or something. Don't worry, it'll heal soon." I look away once more when the two all might's voice starts to raise, ignoring the look sent my way from the taller blonde.

"He needs to be punished!"

"Your putting your hands on a student, on my student, outside of training. Do it again, and he won't be the only one in trouble." Fingering the collar around my neck, I shuffle over to Todoroki's side, leaning against him until I feel his tense body relax, arms soon coming to wrap around me.

You'd think Todoroki would be the calm one in this situation.

"what he did was wrong-!"

"And stupid and reckless but he was provoked on training grounds. All the students were attacking each other and yes, he went to far, so he will be punished, however the students are fine. There just as injured as the rest of the students because that is what happens when students train!" flinching back into the body behind me when Mr. Aizawa yells, I shrink in Todoroki's hold, barely supressing a whimper when the two adult alpha's challenge each other.

I feel Todoroki's chest vibrate with his own growl before he's pulling Kacchan and I away, taking advantage of the distracted teaches.

"Oi! Half 'n half! I can walk on my o-!" Watching as Kacchan's face heats up with his mouth snapping shut the second Todoroki lets out yet another growl I can't help but giggle, quickly looking away when the said blonde shots a glare my way.

"Where are we going Todo?" I question after Todoroki drags us off the field, only then letting go of us before walking off.

Checking to make sure we're following before looking back at the front, Todoroki speaks, running his hair through his already messy hair, "I don't know, but they were fighting and I don't want to be there when a full out battle starts. Alpha's do more than growling when challenged."

Humming in response I allow my wings, that had been aching to get out ever since I had removed the collar, to show themselves, the sound of fabric tearing being to only warning the two alpha's got before I shot up in the air with a breathless laugh. I dived back down when they had started yelling out my name, only to grab their arms and fly back up, ignoring Todoroki's small sound of surprise and Kacchan's language.

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