chapter 14

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Deku's pov

The following week was full of crying, name calling, growling, chocolate and dirty comments that I didn't understand in the slightest. I mean, why do people argue over top and bottom so much? I'd be happy just having a bunk bed!

Anytime I asked, I was greeted with silence or a bunch of stuttering that added up to nothing. When I threatened to ask Todoroki and bakugou, they bribed me with chocolate to stay silent, like me asking would mean the end of the world.

I ended up dropping it, ignoring any other dirty comments that were made for the remainder of the week. Which wasn't so hard considering how easily they flew over my head. Kiri and denki never really left my room either, Kirishima being able to remove some of the pain from my heat and denki to overprotective to leave wither of us alone. They also stopped me each time I tried to leave in order to find my mates.

Finally, the week came to the end, allowing me to go to class.

Yay me.

My two brothers left early in the morning, leaving me to get ready and giving me orders not to be late for class. Apparently, it's really getting on aziwa sensei's nerves.

So, naturally, I was already running ten minutes late.

Throwing on my uniform, I neglect my tie and shuffle over to my desk, needing to spray myself before I leave. I reach for the bottle and all but drown myself in it, narrowing my eyes as both the voices start laughing, one manically and the other nervous. Guess who's who.

"what now?" I ask out loud, silencing the both of them for a second before they start again. I groan, eye twitching as the name calling and arguing starts up. however, the laughter didn't stop, not for another second.

You'd think I'd be used to it by now

I do my best to ignore it as I walk out of my dorm room, not bothering with breakfast before I start walking towards class giggling as I pull the sleeve of my hoodie down to cover up the cuts, old and new. I second later, and I find that the smile I was just wearing, was wiped off my face, a scowl taking it's place.

"ah! There you are young midoriya!" the number one hero cheers, his signature smile on his face like always. I spare him a glance before walking again, finding myself wanting to go to class if it meant I could get away from him.

"young midoriya! Wait!" All Might calls, quickly catching up to me. I don't stop, not even batting my eyelashes in is direction, instead, I spit, "what?" venomously.

He looks a little taken aback for a moment before he recovers and asks, "will you be doing training with me in the afternoon?"

"I think I'll pass," I mutter, not wanting to spend even more time with him. His smile falls, face becoming serious as he stops walking, grabbing my arm to stop me as well. He quickly lets go upon seeing my face, however makes it clear he wont let me leave.

"you won't become the number one hero if you don't train, you haven't trained all week. Whether you were in heat or not is irrelevant. You were overreacting, just like woman do when they give birth." he speaks, looking down at me with a look of disapproval.

I'd like to see him deal with feeling like his whole body was on fire for a whole week. And as for woman giving birth? Well I can't speak for that one, but it doesn't exactly look pleasant...

Putting on my most sincere face, I sniff and say, "you're right... and I'm so so so sorry..." he smiles again, seemingly accepting my apology.

"it's fine my bo-" he starts, only for me to cut him off.

"oh, but you didn't let me finish." His smile once again falls, but he stays silent, waiting for me to continue.

"I'm sorry that you have mistaken me for someone who actually gives a fuck. Though I don't blame you, with all muscles for brain, you must mistake a lot of things." I only see a glimpse of his red face before I turn around and start walking to class again, not wanting to waste another second on the old man.

I hear him stopping away, muttering him something about teenagers but I can't manage a smile, my face seemingly void of all emotions.

I want to feel happy, amused or even angry about the events which had just occurred. But currently, it feels as if the string attaching me to my emotions, had snapped. It's not anything new of course, in fact, it happens quite often. A disconnection of sorts towards myself and my emotions. I'll just add it to the list of side effects that the spray has given me. why was I doing this again? Oh, right, killing people is considered bad now a days.

Maybe seeing my mates will cheer me up.

Oh, I highly doubt that

"what?" I question aloud, no one being close enough to hear. I was greeted my nothing but more laughs, shrugging it off I continue my walk


15 long minutes pass before I make it to my classroom, the chatter going on inside telling me that the pro hero eraser head, was asleep.

My skin prickles as I push the door open, a sudden fear creeping down my spine.

All eyes turn to me, and time seems to slow down.

The door closes behind me, but I don't hear it, my wide, frightful eyes, trained onto the two standing mates.

I knew what was happening, I could feel it, the mate bond fully... there. One hundred percent. Which could only mean one thing...

It suddenly makes a lot of sense. The laughing, the different scent of the spray, the fact that I didn't feel completely sick after using it. it was switched out. Someone had taken it.

I squeeze my eyes shut, willing this to be a dream, a nightmare. This couldn't be real; I won't allow it. in the end, I couldn't give two shits about those hostages which were also likely to die now, along side my aunt. But it was more fear of them rejecting me that had me frozen to the spot.

I don't care how selfish it sounds, but I don't want to go through that pain. The pain that is inevitable if this was real. If this wasn't some type of dream.

I almost cry right then and there when I open my eyes again, not finding the walls off my room, but the confused faces of my classmates, my two mates who looked the verge of tears, the same desks and windows I've seen all year and the sleeping caterpillar we called out teacher.

It wasn't a dream or a nightmare

It wasn't some prank or joke

It was real, and it was hell

My only hopes of this being about something completely different are crushed when the two boys at the back of the room speak in unison, pulling a choked cry out of me.



so, i didn't exactly know how to write this chapter, so it turned into this... i will probably end up changing it a lot when i go back through to edit, but this is what's here now. 

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