chapter 24

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hey, look at that! I actually updated on time! even if it is only by an hour!

Third persons pov

"katsuki, where are you going?" Todoroki Shoto calls out, not needing to raise his voice as the door to the bar slams shut, cutting off any and all noise coming from inside.

His mate doesn't acknowledge him, fist clenched at his sides as he continues to walk away, unshed tears burning in his crimson red eyes. He didn't know what to do anymore. He was lost, angry and confused.

And who could blame him?

He'd found out his best friend had been hiding something from him for weeks, months even. They were mates. They had a bond that no ordinary love could add up to and yet he hid it and watched as he and Shoto searched and searched for their other half (or third)

Then, he and Shoto fight, going as far as barely talking to each other for the week to come. Only interacting when it was time for band practise and even then, the tension was thick.

Soon, he finds out his mother had goon missing, leaving his father in a state of panic with the newborn baby.

At least things couldn't get worse, right?

Wrong. So very wrong.

Deku, the damn nerd, 'runs away' only for it to be discovered that he was kidnapped. Not a surprise really if they looked at the state of his room.

So, they go and rescue him, his anger and despair over the whole mate thing hidden away temporally as worry pushes him to take action. Imagine their surprise to arrive at the villain's headquarters and find the green haired wolf to be some kind of demon hybrid with faint scars littering any and all skin visible below the neck.

The sight of him had flooded katsuki with a wave of unwanted emotions, not all of them being pleasant. He couldn't stand it, being in the same room as him. one part of him wanted to latch on and never let go. The other part demanded punishment for what he had done, for the pain he had caused.

And his other mate wasn't much better.

"sparky stop, please," the soft yet firm voice of his alpha mate pulled the blonde out of his thoughts, and, almost hesitantly, stopping his movement.

"what?" the word was spat through clenched teeth, an attempt to hide the pain in his voice.

It failed. Todoroki immediately heard it, silently taking steps towards his upset mate.

"are you okay?" had Shoto known of what affect this simple yet so complex question would have caused would he have still asked?

Simple really, yes. Why? Because he's an idiot who happened to fall in love despite his attempts not to.

"I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be?!" was the explosive reply as the spiky blonde spun on his heal to face his, slightly shocked, mate.

The shock, however, quickly morphed into concern upon spotting the tears running down the red eyed teens face. Tears that hurt Shoto more than his fathers 'lessons'.

"you don't have to lie to me, I know you're not o-"

"didn't you hear me?! I said I was fine! See?! Happy smile!" here, the teens face morphed into a huge, and obviously fake, smile, tears still falling.

"no, you're no-!" once again, Todoroki was interrupted.

"oh, forget about me!" katsuki's face suddenly turned into a frown, his hands flying up in exasperation as his voice breaks. "what about you, huh? Don't think I haven't noticed how closed off you've been, or the makeup under your eyes!"

Said eyes became guarded in an instant, face closing off as a mask that has been with the teen since forever settles over his features. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm fin-"

"fine? If I can't get away with that shit neither can you," the words were quiet, yet strained. As if it were taking every cell in katsuki's body for him not to shout them.

Todoroki was silent, not knowing what to say. His knuckles turned white from the strain they were put under as he forms fist at his sides, the urge to just scream growing at an alarming rate.

"If I were to ask you for a list of things you loved, how long would it take for me to find your name?" the whispered question caught the duel haired boy off guard, creating a crake in his mask of indifference. It was quickly sealed; however the damage was done and his mind instantly went on the defence.

"I could ask you the same-"

"yeah, but the difference is I'd have an answer. Right under you and that damn nerd."


All was quiet in the chilly alleyway, both boys staring at each other. One with tears streaming down his broken face and the other stating back with a cold hard mask in place.

It didn't last long however, for the mask shattered, anger suddenly pooling up within the Mitch matched eyes.

Shoto has had enough of this bullshit. All the past events and feelings becoming to much, smashing the damn in his mind he had built and unleashing it all onto him. he was angry. Confused. Hurt and a lot more. And, just like everyone else who bottles up their feeling, he exploded.

"don't turn this onto me! don't act like you're fine! You don't think I've noticed you skipping meals ever since the incident with midoriya? And I don't blame you! I really don't I mean it's not like I can judge! I'm certainly not the beacon of good mental health! I know that! It's a fucking miracle I still have money with all the therapy I go to! I've been through the same shit you have this week too you know. Only to go home and come face to face with a fist!-" here, the boy known as Kacchan frowned, though in his already distressed mind state, quickly wrote it off as one of his siblings getting rough. He had heard they do that, though ever understood it in the slightest. He would never raise a hand to his new born baby brother. "-I'm in pain, yes, but I can't even let it show! I have to be strong so you will be okay! So people don't see me as week! So, I'm sorry if I'm closed off, or not getting sleep when I don't have my mates- both of them- to hold and keep me grounded-!"

He was cut off when a sudden weight knocked him onto the cold ground, a face wet with tears buried into the crook of his neck.

"I'm sorry," he heard katsuki croak, shocking Todoroki. His aggressive Pomeranian didn't apologise, (at least not sincerely) ever. And he didn't even know why he was saying sorry.

"for... what?" he questions, already feeling his hurt and rage disintegrate like his happiness when Monday arrives.

"for everything. For feeling like you have to shove away your feelings for the sakes of me the others and i. for this being the first time you are opening up to me, in an abandoned alleyway just meters away from out somehow demon hybrid mate who has hidden the truth from us for weeks. And for the fact that half your shit is now non-existent."

Confused, the two-toned haired boy moves his arms- he had wrapped them around the blonde that was currently residing on his chest and felt for his shirt on his left side of his torso only to feel his bare skin.

"oh..." is all he could bring himself to utter as his face grows slightly warm.

His embarrassment quickly turns into amusement, however, once he notices his sparky not so subtly shuffling onto his left, half naked, side. When he opened his mouth to comment on this, he's cut off before given the chance.

"shut your smug little mouth icy hot. I'm cold and you just so happen to be very hot right now."

Chuckling, he response with, "aren't I always?"

Growing solemn for a moment, he warns, "don't think this lets you off the hook. We will be having a proper discussion about these diseases we call feelings once we get back to the dorms. Understood?"

"yeah whatever, candy cane."

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