chapter 46

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deku pov

I woke up to Shinso pushing me off his bed, shoving a ringing devise into my face before he's covering his body with the sheets again.

"Good morning to you too..." I grumble, hissing at the bright light emitting from the vibrating phone.

"Just make it stop!" Is the plea I get in response, his frame curling up under the thick duvet as a Taylor Swift song continues to ring out from my phone.

Snorting softly, I comply, picking at the carpet as rest my phone on my knee, enhanced hearing allowing me to hear the caller perfectly fine even from a distance.

"This better be an emergency or I'm going to but some use to the Latin Phoenix taught me. Did you know that if I focus hard enough and say the right words I can make someone's blood boil from the inside out?"

"Phoenix is teaching you Latin spells?! That-" Tuning out the ranting Shigaraki I turn to the bundle on the bed who was currently muttering, "He can speak Latin to me all night long..." as he shuffles around on the bed till a shock of purple fluff appears next to me, tired eyes peering down at the bright screen with barely there interest.

"Who's crusty dusty bish?"

"... you put my contact number... as, crust dusty... bish...?"

"Yeah, and you but mine down as bratty little bird, lets move on, why on earth are you calling me at-" a quick glance at the clock. "10 in the morning?"

"Why are you complaining? Shouldn't you be up anyway?"



"SHIT!" jumping as Shinso shoots out of bed I stare wide eyed as he throws his clothes across the room, running into the bathroom once he has his uniform in hand.

"I've ditched the last week, being late one more time won't hurt. Though I am fairly sure Phoenix is about to lose his mate..." trailing off I listen as a crash echoes through the house, closely followed my muffled curses and another phone ringing.

"Oh, fuck no!" I hear before a tap was running and the familiar sound of something being thrown into water could be heard.

"Anyway... why are you calling?" I ask again, moving so I'm laying on my stomach with my feet swinging back and forth behind me, ignoring as shinso yells out at me to get ready.

"Oh! Right, yeah, we found her."

"Found who...?"

"Oh, I don't know... who have we been looking for, despite the risk, for the last two weeks or so?"

"I dunno, Barbie-? oh... OH-" jumping to my feet I stumble over the clothes, having to brace myself on the messy desk so I don't face plant. When I have a steady footing I pick up my phone, ignoring Shigaraki's concerns to my safety (oh how I'm throwing away the perfect teasing material) quickly throwing on one of Shinso's shirts (Yes, I was shirtless, Shinso's room is hot and yet he still covers the bed in blankets) before running out the room.

"I'll be there soon!"

"Deku-? Where the fuck are you going, we have school?!" coming to a holt I glance over at the confused emo, narrowing my eyes before a huge smile takes place.

"how would you like to meet your mate?"


Looking back on it, asking Shinso, a ball of pent up anxiety and boredom, whether he wanted to meet his mate for the first time- an event that has everyone's stomach turning- or not probably wasn't the best idea.

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