chapter 41

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TW- mentions of violence, small act of violence, swearing, mentions of sexual abuse, mentions of cheating

short chapter

3rd person POV

The room was silent as the three mates stood, no words passing between them as they stare on with broken minds.

The tallest, Shoto Todoroki, stood stoic as ever, his eyes guarded and body stiff as his thoughts struggled to come to a stop. He didn't know what to believe anymore, all he knew was that he wanted the pain to stop.

Katsuki Bakugou, otherwise known as Kacchan, had seemed to forget how to breath, his breath coming out harsh as his body shook and lungs burnt. He wasn't in pain, or at least that's what he's telling himself. Telling himself over and over again that, no, he wasn't hurt, he was fine. Pissed at most. But hurt? No. Never. He's sick of getting hurt.

And Izuku Midoriya, the youngest of the three and arguably the most damaged, was smiling. His eyes were pools of pain, tears tittering at the edge and oh so close to spilling over whist his hands shook by his sides, but the smile never faltered, throat tight as giggles struggle to make there way out into the open air. He was in pain, there was no use denying it, and yet he didn't stop smiling. Even as he felt his grip on his reality slip, emotions flying past him faster then he could account for. How long would it take for the wire to snap?

A few feet away from them the alphas friends were staring on hatefully, barely two of them looking even slightly concerned.

Next to them, though with enough distance to prevent a murder, stood both Kiri and Denki, both being held back by the pro hero present mic. 'its not your fight' he'd say as his partner and son made work of clearing out the auditorium.

They'd seen enough of the student's life already and this, much like the other fights, didn't need to be broadcasted.

The silence stretched and Deku finally couldn't take it, tilting his head to the side, the tears already start running dry as he questions them as if nothing were wrong.

"Did you guys get taller?"

It wasn't relevant, nor important, but it was all Deku's thoughts could focus on. Maybe if he was curious about something so normal everything would get better?

They only ignored him, the silence stretching once again for what felt like an eternity though couldn't have been more then a few seconds as they each struggle with their thoughts.

When they'd finally had enough it was Bakugou who spoke, voice strained with the effort not to raise it.

"You are such a Deku... you fucking cheated on us, and now you expect us to look at you as if you're the good guy in this situation?"

Denki had to hold Kirishima back.

Shinso was restrained by his father.

Deku simply laughed.

"Do you think this is funny?"

Shaking his head Deku glances up at the two alphas, rocking back on the heels of his feet with another laugh, though this one sounded significantly harsher, "Oh, I think this is hilarious. Two of the, supposedly, smartest students in this school and yet dumber than Denki with an overused quirk."

In retrospect he probably shouldn't have called the most temperamental person he has ever met stupid. But he was pissed, upset and hurt, not to mention the fact that even he knew he was slipping.

Who would have thought things would turn physical so quickly?

"You hid from us, cheated, beat up our friend and ruined one of my shirts! We are not stupid Deku, we are hurt!" it all happened to fast. One second Bakugou was yelling and the next Deku was roughly shoved back, the only thing keeping his head from smashing into the wall behind him being his wings.

Though in turn to his wings protecting his head, one bent back in a way that had a sharp yelp leaping out of his throat.

Shinso, Denki and Kirishima were immediately alert, growls all escaping their throats even as the blonde pro tries to calm them. Though he himself looked really to jump in and stop this. The only thing keeping the teachers away being the simple fact that most of them left with the crowd to keep them under control and the remaining all thought it best to let the three work it out themselves, (it was also the safest option considering the last time someone came in between a fight between an alpha and their mate they ended up in the hospital and the offender didn't even get in trouble for it.)

Aziwa seemed to be the only one who didn't care, midnight having to use her quirk on him before removing him from the room

You know, for a school full of heroes they really were incompetent and selfish beyond belief.

Todoroki looked conflicted, though he immediately moved Bakugou further away from Deku, his barely concealed worried gaze lingering on the tense boy.

Said boy, despite the pain radiating off his left wing, pushed forward, face blank as he steps closer to the pair.

"you're hurt?" the whispered words and the bitter laugh that followed we're all the warning the pair got before the wire snapped, the only thing holding him together tearing with an awful rip as his vision went red.

"Oh, that is just hilarious! The poor idiotic alphas are hurt because they couldn't see past the lies being fed to them by a narcissistic bitch!"

"Lies?! Deku we have a photo! And you hiding from us was no lie!"

"A photo? You have a fucking photo? Well good for you! you can look back on one of the worst days of my life whenever the fuck you want! You want to know what really happened or are you just going to limit yourself to one person's story!? Cause guess what? Despite what you've been told I didn't fucking cheat on you! that- that pig has been haunting what little sleep I get! He held me down whilst his lips marked my neck! I can't even have my brothers hug me without flinching away. But hey, what does it matter, because Uraraka and her band of horny bitches said that I asked for it, so it must be true! Lets just ignore the fact that Uraraka openly cheated on her own mate and absolutely hates me!

"And yeah, I'll be the first to admit that hiding from you guys wasn't the smartest thing to do. It cost me a lot, but I did it all for you Bakugou. I had my reasons to hide, and it wasn't because I was scared that you'd reject me! oh how I wish I could tell you why, how I'd kill to see your reaction! And sure, Todoroki, I could have come to you about it before it all got out of hand but it's not that fucking simple and you know it! If it was you wouldn't still be lying about what goes down in your house so lay off!

"Maybe if you guys actually put in a bit more effort into finding out what was really going on this wouldn't have happened, but no! as it turns out I'm the only one who seems to care about this relationship! So, you know what? Fuck you both, I'm done trying to make you guys feel better when I'm in pain too! Are you really that selfish to believe that I asked for this? Look at me!" Everyone winces as he screams the words, eyes flashing dangerously as tears spill over.

"I'm fucking broken... crying out to help that isn't there... and yet you both believe that it's my fault? Well congratulations. You won't have to deal with my bullshit anymore. I'm done."

He doesn't let the pair respond, only sparing a glance towards his brothers before taking off. With the silence stretching over them all, to shocked to do much more then stare at the place Deku once stood with wide eyes (or in some cases smirk) a now crying Bakugou turns to his taller mate with a broken sob.

"we messed up..."


"we have to make this right... we have to get him back..."

"Even if it means we get down on ourknees and beg."

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