chapter 25

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a bit of a filler chapter but it's better then nothing. oh! and go read @fanfiction_star20 s fan fiction titled goodbye. they are my best friend and an awesome writer. not to mention it has depressed deku in it!

Deku's POV

I was once told speech is silver, but silence is golden. I never truly understood that, I mean, my mother always told me that speaking up is better then keeping quiet. So, this little quote that I was told at some point in my life went against everything I was ever taught.

It didn't make sense to me.

I think I finally understand it though, for when it's silent, there's no one to keep you from speaking and breaking that silence is the best thing you could do. After all, straight gold doesn't really have any value, you have to break it, mould it into something. Only then do people crave it.

Unfortunately for me, silver seems to be more popular right now.

Though I suppose it's because of this silver that I was able to slip away undetected. For when silver is all there is, no one hears you, sees you, cares for you. even if you're their supplier of it.

It just so happens that that is exactly what I needed at that moment.

Not everyone can afford gold.

You are so dramatic

"shh, I'm having a moment."

A moment? It sounds like you're auditing for a tv drama

"you guys are so mean!" I whine as I stalk down the halls of the police station, trying to find the way out.

We're voices that are here to make your life hard, deal with it

Ew! We agreed!


"and you call me the dramatic one." Rolling my eyes and ignoring their protest, I continue to search for a way out, vaguely aware of all the yelling going on down the hall in the room I had just escaped from.

"And they call themselves heroes," I snort, green hair falling in front of my demonic right eye. "can't even keep their eyes on one kid."

After phoenix fell through kurogiri's warp gate (much to aziwa sensei's relief and Shinso's disappointment) the 'heroes' shipped me off to the police station with a few other pros. The students were sent back to the UA dorms and any 'heroes' not needed went to fill out paper work or whatever it is old people do these days.

And your mates didn't even acknowledge you once

To soon bro

Ignoring them and pinching my side to bring my thoughts away from them, I groan and bang my head against the wall, hating that no matter what I did my thoughts always went back to them.

Your welcome

"if you were a physical being, I would chop of your dick and choke you with it"

Bold of you to assume my gender


Bold of you to assume his dick is big enough to choke him

Snorting in amusement I fail to hear the sudden silence from down the hall and the footsteps moving in my direction, resulting in me jumping five feet into the air when I hear, "what's so funny problem child?"

"Aziwa sir!" I yelp in surprise once my feet are on the ground again, eyes wide and pale skin turning a light pink.

"going off that reaction I'll say it's something bad," the man muses, leaning against the wall opposite of me.

"N-Nani? No! you just scared me!" I defend, scowling at one of the only pro's I trust.

He only nods his head in silent agreement, letting silence fall upon us.

He totally doesn't believe you

"you left before we could question you." it wasn't a question, but I nodded anyway, lifting my head to stare at the ceiling as I respond.

"it was to loud. With all the yelling going on I didn't think I'd be questioned before I turned 20. And when the debate about whether or not Sho-... my mates, should be here or not I couldn't handle it. besides, you guys didn't even notice when I slipped out." When I look back down, I see aziwa staring right back at me, a hard resolve in his eyes and a faint smell of understanding coming from him.

Not a single ounce of pity.

"I heard what happened. I mean, I was there but was asleep for half of it, so I didn't really understand. Mina-" I wince at the name, thanking the moon goddess that it went undetected. "explained it to me. If you need to talk-"

"I'm fine," I interrupt the tired underground hero, my voice cold and detached.

Aziwa, not effected by the sudden mood change, glares at me before speaking again. "if you don't want to talk about it, then that's okay. But don't go feeding everyone, including yourself, bullshit by saying that you're fine when you're obviously not."

"I-" my protest were cut off before they could grow by the homeroom teacher speaking in a voice just as cold as mine was a moment ago.

"I'm going to go on a whim here and say that not all, if not any, of those scars on your skin were caused by the villains." At my silence he nods and closes his eyes, making a sound of acknowledgement in the back of his throat.

"I'm an omega," I speak up, not effected by the fact he had just figured out about my self harm. What's there to be ashamed of? I'm fucked up and I know it, no point on hiding it.

"I am aware," he responds, opening his eyes to stare at me in confusion.

"we, omegas that is, are what people call the 'housewives' the shell that pups stay in, sensitive little beaches-" he winces at this, being one of the wolves who don't think so lowly of omegas. "What most don't realise that to be able to do all that, the moon goddess gave us a gift. Over time, this gift has become rarer until people started believing it was just a myth. Im sure you're aware of it, yes? After all, your daughter shares the same gift."

Understanding flashes in his eyes before he stares up at the ceiling. "you can smell-"

"your guilt, yes." I finish for him. "And I think it's stupid that you feel guilty over something that you had no control over."

Before he can reply, I push off the wall and wonder down the hall, going back in the direction of the interrogation room. "those so-called heroes are about the put the police station on lockdown 'cause they can't find me. we better get going."

"oh that was totally so badass," I whisper to myself before giggling and skipping all the way back to the pig- heroes. I totally meant heroes.

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