chapter 8

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By the time we're done an hour and a half had passed, and I was just about ready to leave. We only sang a few originals, the rest being covers. Its not as fun as singing my own work but I didn't want to sing all my songs tonight, so it was the next best thing.

It was still fun none the less, and the only reason I actually wanted to leave was due to the annoying fact that the spray would wear off in about 30 minutes. And I don't really need that happing.

Not now, not ever.

"can we go yet?" I whine for the hundredth time, earing myself an annoyed groan from Katchan and an amused chuckle from todo.

"yes, yes we can leave now midoriya." The bi-coloured boy answers, putting his half empty drink down before standing up.

"finally," I groan, not even waiting before I turn around and walk out of the café.

"wait up nerd!" Katchan shouts, however his attempts are futile, for once I'm out of the café I immediately start walking down the street.

I couldn't risk the spray wearing off and having them feel the mate bond. No matter how much I want to, I can't risk my aunties life for my own selfish desires.

I think I took a wrong turn somewhere because next thing I know I'm in a dark alleyway, scratching the back of my head while pouting.

"crap, I'm going to be is so much trouble..." I mumble to myself before hearing someone giggle.

I tilt my head, watching as a blond-haired girl skips out of the shadows. "ooh! I smell blood!" she giggles, walking up to me with a crazed smile.

I tilt my head to the side, eyebrow raised as I speak, "well, I'm no genius, but that may be because you have blood all over your clothes." I gesture to her clothes, which were in fact covered in blood, dried and fresh alike.

I was scared to say the least, however, I wasn't scared of the girl in front of me. no. I was more scared of the fact that I didn't care where the blood came from. I was scared of myself, something I've been for a while.

She giggles in response before licking her blood covered lips, closing her eyes in delight before opening them again, confused. "you're not scared of me? don't you go to UA or something? Ya'know, hero in training or some shit?" the girl questioned, scratching the back of her blond hair.

"scared of you?" I repeat, earning nod. "nah, I'm more scared for you. That blood looks impossible to get out," I say with a small giggle, eyeing her clothes once again.

"please, this is nothing. Besides, I'm a girl, we're pros at getting rid of blood stains!" the blonde exclaims proudly, however my face only morphs into one of confusion.

Pros? I'll have to ask for some tips in the future then. I think with a laugh, even though I still didn't know why or how girls are pros at removing blood stains...

She giggles at my confused state trusting her hand out towards me, "I'm himiko toga! What's your name?" she asks brightly.

Toga... where have I heard that name before?

Pushing the thought aside, I go to shake her hand only to stop when I realize she's holding a knife. I roll my eyes with a giggle as she pouts and lets her arm drop. "I'm midoriya Izuku! But you can call me Deku! And do I kn- holly crap! Your Uraraka's mate!" I shout in realization, watching her scowl and take a step away from me.

Oops, much be a touchy subject... oh well

"you're not friends with her, are you?" she asks, her eyes narrowing as she suddenly turns serious.

Aw! I like the other version of her more.

"well... I did punch her a while ago... so no?" I ask in return, giggling as I remember how good it felt to punch the bitch.

The blonde stared at me for a moment before letting her serious facade fall, giggling as she reaches into my pocket and steals my phone. "I like you!" she declares with a smile, typing something into my phone.

"watcha doin'?" I ask, sitting down on the ground in front of her. She glances down at me with an eyebrow raised before shrugging as if to say fuck it and sits down on the filthy ground in front of me

"putting my number in your phone deku-kun!" she answers before handing my phone back to me. I look down at it and see that she had saved her contact as hot psycho. I roll my eyes for what feels like the thirtieth time before I hear someone shouting in the distance.

"deku god dammit where are you!"


I look at my new friend as she gets to her feet, still smiling. "well that's my cue! Can't have anybody else seeing me just yet! Bye deku-kun!" she says waving. I simply wake back giggling as she skips away. Before she blends into the shadows, I hear her say, "make sure to give Uraraka another punch for me!"


Five minutes pass before Todoroki and bakugou find me sitting on the ground in the alleyway.

And let me say, they do not look happy.

"There you are nerd!" Katchan yells, his voice showing anger but eyes holding anger. Completely ignoring his mood I smile and wave at the two, giggling as I speak, "hiya sho! Katchan!"

I hear Todoroki sigh before he crouches in front of me, looking stressed but catching onto my mood change quickly. "are you hurt?" he asks, receiving a shake of my head and a, "nope! But I did make a new friend!"

This spikes katchan's attention who immediately crouches in front of me next to his mate, instead of kicking at the wall while swearing.

"friend? Who?" he asks, narrowing his eyes as Todoroki quickly scans his eyes around the aria. I could sense that they were worried, I just wasn't sure why.

"cant tell ya," I say with a shrug and a giggle, only to yelp when Katchan roughly grabbed my wrist and demanded, "dammit nerd, just tell me who it was!" I whimper and shrink back, scared of Katchan for the first time in a while.

Seeing this, Todoroki pries my wrist out of his mates' hand before speaking softly to the ash blonde. "calm down, you're scaring him." Bakugou immediately looked regretful, not liking that he scared a friend, an omega and his mate. Even if he didn't know that I was his mate, his subconscious did.

"deku I-" he was cut off by my giggling, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"it's fine! But can we go back now?" I ask with a smile, looking at the two amused and slightly confused alphas.

"Mm-hmm let's go," todo says before standing up, helping both Katchan and I to our feet before we all start to head off, the two alphas making sure I don't run off again.

I needed to get back soon, before the spray wears off...

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