chapter 23

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I am so so SO sorry for the late update. Life has been busy and it doesn't help when i have major writers block. This chapter is a bit of a filler simply because i am still trying to work through my writers block but wanted to give you guys something. I don't know when i'll update next but i will try to get back into my routine (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) oh! and thank you all so much for all the views and votes! you have no idea how much it means to me!

Phoenix's pox

Okay, full disclosure, I had no fucking clue to what was happening. One second, Twice and I were throwing dictionary's at Dabi to prove words could hurt you, and the next a big yellow bunny comes in attacking us! There wasn't even any pizza!

I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to do so in a last-minute decision I decided to rip someone's head off then someone else's and maybe another's... Oops? My back ached as my wings begged for realise, begging to be shown so their talons could rip into the puny wolves and humans. I pushed the feeling away however, albeit it wasn't that hard. Not once I smelt it. A scent so intoxicating that it had my head spinning, had me freezing on the spot, hands subtly shaking at my sides no mate how hard I tried to stop it.

I wasn't an idiot, no matter how much Dabi says so. I knew what it was. I knew what the pull was. The smell. The want and sudden need to be loved, to protect and hold. A mate. The bond that the humans would call a soulmate, the one.

I blocked out the screaming, the explosions and grunts, stepping back into the shadows as I willed my mind to work.

I had a mate... me. The son of satin. I was always told that because of who my sperm donor was I wouldn't be given a mate. That I would be punished for my fathers 'sins' by being deprived on the one thing that could grant me true peace. My father was punished in a similar way. God, the all mightily dick he is, took away my father's mate while I was in the womb. It was a sheer miracle that I had survived, and father never let me forget it. He held me close, loved me, protected me, and all the while I had to watch as he slowly lost it. Without his mate, my mum, his mind started twisting, breaking.

Like everyone with a mate, without the other half or in some cases third of your soul, you'll go- to put it bluntly- insane. I was, and still am, quite surprised at how sane deku still really is, he's strong, I'll give him that.

I had always believed I was growing up to have the same fate as my father, left there to stand alone as my mind slowly rotted from the inside out. Actually, that's a lie. I had hope, a slither of light that kept me smiling. However, after my 3000th birthday I gave up. I accepted it. I wasn't born with a mate. I wasn't born with a happily ever after. And that's fine... a lot of people have crappy lives. And I would rather not have a mate then have to go through what deku did- or is going through. Or even toga, who had to experience what it's like to have their mate kiss another.

So, when I smelt it, felt it, saw it, I couldn't breath, think, speak. I was frozen, begging to the ends of the earth for this to be real. I don't think I could handle it if it was fake, and if it wasn't, I couldn't even kill myself, free myself from the pain.

Trust me, I've tried.

I hadn't even realized that the fighting around me had stopped, not until a nagging feeling was telling me to pay attention. I had to withhold a growl when I did. My hatchling was upset, hiding away his wings and other features as everyone stared.

I could almost hear his heart drop when a particular yellow bunny muttered some nasty words about him. Welp, he's now on the top of my hit list.

I'm about to step forward and intervene, on grounds of wanting to find my mate of course. Can't have them thinking I care about the little green dude. Besides, I actually do want to find my mate. Defiantly not so I can kidnap them, kiss them then never let them go. Nope, not at all...

Just a little crazy (finished)Where stories live. Discover now