chapter 48

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chapters a bit rushed but i felt like writing and if i stopped i'm not sure when i'd get back to it.

Deku's POV

"It's not what it looks like!"

"Oh really? Because it looks like you were dancing on the desk while singing a song- who showed you that song by the way? I just want to have a little chat with them."

Right, chat. I'm sure that's why he's grinning with that look in his eyes.

"Yeah, well... Shinso was sitting on his mates lap for an entire hour!"

"Dude! What the fuck!"

"Both of you, see me at lunch. Forget waiting until after school." Watching as he walks away, I send a sheepish smile towards Shinso, said Beta currently glaring at me with a red face.

"Thanks a lot, now were both going to die."

I could only giggle before All Might is shouting at everyone to shut up and sit down.


"Deku?" Turning at the voice I send a small smile towards Kacchan, shoving my maths notebook into my bag with only one earphone plugged in.

I couldn't stop my cheeks from heating up at the sight of him and now that I don't have to hide, I saw no reasonable reason to try. Todoroki was near the doorway, allowing the last of our classmates to leave before he's looking over at us, ears twitching as he listens in.

There was still that part of me that ached each time I laid my eyes on them, a part that whispered to me all the doubts and possibilities my subconscious could come up with. The two voices living with me didn't help either, but the soft weird happy feeling I get when there voices reached my ears, or when they smiled just for my eyes to see, it over ruled all the negative things I thought up.

It set me up for heart break. I knew that, and yet I couldn't stop the butterflies from forming.

"Hey! Sorry, can't talk, I have an angry banana to take care of!" shoving the last of my stuff away I shoulder my backpack, turning around properly so I'm facing the blonde alpha.

"Yeah, I know, but Todo and I just needed to tell you that were getting the bad back together. You don't have to come back if you dot wat to of course, neither do your brothers, but we thought we should just let you know... so, yeah..." with his face heating up the more I just stare he spins on his heals, storming out the door, past a smirking Todoroki.

"Is he okay?"

With a snort Todoroki turns away, speaking over his shoulder, "No. A vegetable has taken hold of his heart..." he mumbles something else, quiet enough for even my ears, and I can faintly see the tips of his ears turn pink, before he's gone.

Kacchan fell in love with a vegetable?



"You're both apart of me. If I'm an idiot, so are you."

You're still an idiot.

Yeah, what he said.

"Yeah well if you both don't shut up; I'm not going to go through with that little project your both so hung up on." Smiling when I'm met with silence and revelling in the fact that I finally had some control over them, I plug in the other earphone, blasting the music before exiting the abandoned classroom.

I block out my surroundings as I walk down the crowded halls, humming onto the borderline depressing music with a barely there smile, a bounce in my step as I skip towards my doom.

"Sup d-Mr. Aizawa!"



"So-... Deku, what the bloody hell are you doing?"

"Uh..." pausing I look over at the exasperated teacher, slowly bringing my leg back into the classroom from where it was sticking out the window.

"Bird watching?"

"You mean spy watching right?"

"Deku, sit down and don't move an inch unless you want to lose a limb. Shinso, what I have I told you about watching conspiracy theories?"

"To wait for you?"

"No- yes, for fucks sake, just sit down and shut up before I stop caring about the law." Giggling as the aggravated man runs his hand through his already messy hair but doing as he says none the less I move over to the seat next to Shinso, kicking my feet onto the wolves lap before I'm looking over at the male who has been reprehending us for the last 30 minutes.

Not fun

Though, he did spend five of those 30 minutes beaming at me for kicking a stapler at All Might, then another five threating us about speaking a word about what he said on the matter.

"You're both grounded." Ah, finally, the punishment. Well, the other one at least. He's already put us on cleaning duty and given us extra homework that is to be completed during the detention we will have for the following month.

"What?! That not fai-"

"You never leave the house anyway, neither of us do. Plus, we're never on the TV and your phone is now broken. You have nothing to complain about because to be frank, neither of us have a life to be grounded from."

"Oh, right. yeah okay, being grounded sounds like a fair and just punishment."

Long story short, we now have detention for the next three months and have been given any and all chores around the house until, and I quote, 'stop being hormonal and impulsive teens that make me want to drive of a cliff with a coffee machine'

So here I am, preparing for a lifetime of slavery.

"Stop pouting. You know full well we got let of easy."

"Do you think I can get him arrested for slavery?" when all I'm met with is a hit to the back of the head, I pout and continue on with the long and boring walk to our next class. We had completely missed lunch (Not that I'm complaining) and now had to go to outside for physical training.

"Hey Shinso?" I speak, seeing him glance over at me from the corner of my eyes at the sudden change of mood.

"You might need to hold me back out there. As hard as I try, I don't think I'm going to make it through this lesion without fist flying, especially with All Might as our teacher again." Its silent for I moment before I can see him nodding, eyes downcast as we step outside the building.

"Yeah okay, I have your back Deku."


"Young Midoriya, I need you to take that, uh, collar off, whist training." Ignoring Uraraka's whispered comment of, 'but then they'll take the bitch to the pound, wouldn't want that now would we?' I look up from where I was kicking off my shoes, recently figuring out that I had better balance when without them.

"I need it, actually," is all I reply with before I'm throwing my shoes off to the side. I probably should have taken them off when I was changing into my gym clothes.

"Yes, well, when fighting someone can grab it and easily choke you, or one of the rings can get caught on something. So, take it off. Now."

"Oh, don't worry, I don't mind a bit of choking." Walking past Kacchan as he chokes on air, leaning against his slightly taller and blushing for support (what's got them so worked up?), I watch as All Might's face goes red, fist clenching at his sides.

"Look, you either take it off and train, or keep it and leave. And I'm sure I don't have to remind you that you've already missed a whole week of in school training and another month of personal training." His voice raised as he went on, and I could here Uraraka's muffled laughs as she whispers words to her little clique.


"Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you." And with that, I'm removing the item from around my neck, having to close my eyes as my body swayed soon after.

Oh this is not going to go well...

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