chapter 11

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When I come to again it was almost midnight. I stayed down on the ground for a while, glaring at the ceiling as if it was the source of all my problems. I had to be more careful. I will not be the reason my only family left dies, I can't let that happen. And if that means spending more time away from my mates... so be it.

Oh, how I wish I could just go after the bitch that keeps threating my aunt. Unfortunately for me, I have been told she has some innocent hostages.

Who cares about them? as long as you get what you want, all is good right?

He's right... the death of some random people won't affect me one bit, I could take down that bitch, have my mates to myself, and not even think twice about those people.

So you're just going to let those people die? Some hero you are.

"who the hell are you?"

Im the good one, obviously.

Wrong, there the annoying one, just kill that bitch deku, come on, you know you want to.

No! he's a hero, killing people and letting people die are not heroic things!

Well he let his mother die.

He did not and you know it

"ugh, just... shut up will you!" I groan, pulling at my hair slightly in annoyance and pain. These two really weren't helping my headache. But hey! And least I didn't have a whole bunch of voices telling me I'm worthless and all every second of every day!

Fucking imbecile

Mother trucker

You know what? I think this is worse... much worse...

"watcha thinking about deku-kun?" I turn my head to see Toga and some dude with patched skin walking out of a purple warp thingy, to tired to care about them walking into my room in the middle of the night.

"hey crazy, patchwork." I say in return, waving as I sit myself up with a groan. Patchy narrows his eyes at me before turning to toga, "and why are we in a broccoli's room?"

I scrunch my face up in confusion before understanding. "that's a good one Touya," I respond coolly, watching as patchy turns to me with wide eyes.

"how did you-"

"know? I didn't, not really. But your eyes are like Shoto's and I'm guessing those burns are from overusing your quirk which must have something to do with fire. Also, your roots are showing, and the tips of your tail and ears are red. I've been told Todo's older brother has red hair. However, I didn't fully know until them, when you just gave it away."

The burnt man is left speechless, glaring at me to hide his panic. I giggle at his state before shaking my head and speaking, "relax, I won't tell... I have secrets to..." I lean my head against the wall with a sigh, spacing out as toga and patchwork exchange a few words.

"hello? Earth to small might?" I snap my head to the side again, my eyes landing on Touya and Toga.

"hmm?" I hum in question as I rub my neck.

The older male folds his arms in annoyance whereas Toga simply giggles. "Dabi asked where you got all those pretty cuts from!" she repeated for patchwork, her crazed eyes locked onto my arm.

"oh?" I mumble, glancing down at one of my arms to see the sleeve of my hoodie had bunched up at the top, revealing the many deep cuts I had given myself.

"hmm... I gave them to myself because it feels nice," I answer, not feeling the need to add on the part about me deserving it.

I look back over at them when I hear Dabi, as Toga called him, groan and mumble, "great, another masochist."

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