chapter 52

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Hi! i am so so sorry for the wait, things havent even been that hectic i just havent had the motivation. this chapter turned out complety diffrent to how it was suppose to go, has talk of a sensitive topic and is defeintly not one of the best chapters ive written but i felt bad for the wait so here it is

TW- mention of sexual harassment and sexaul activity. slight blood, tell me if i missed anything

 You know, sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I wasn't an omega.

I wonder what it would be like not to be babied or looked down on.

I wonder what it would be like to be treated with even the smallest amount of respect in society.

What it would be like to not be a minority that even the government is against.

Oh, and you know, not getting heats would be awesome as well.

"No sex." Were the first words to come out of my mouth when I finally gained enough sense to speak.

Neither of them pushed it at first, simply humming as an okay before continuing the walk to the dorm rooms. They were still trying to get the blood stains out of my carpet so I was taken to Kacchan's room, put back down on my feet and distanced from the two alphas.

They both stood near the door as I pulled the pillows and sheets off the blondes bed, throwing them over in a corner that has recently been occupied with some new beanbags and remerging through his wardrobe before deeming them useless and shuffling over to other two in the room. I pointed at the shirts the two were currently wearing, outstretching my hands and tearing up when I wasn't immediately handed the shirts.

Kacchan got it before Todoroki did, the blonde having to elbow the taller one before he also removed his shirt, holding it out to me with a confused face before watching me retreat into the makeshift den of sheets cushions and pillows.

They had to stand there for an hour before I let them sit next to me, and it would have been longer if it wasn't for the fact that Kacchan broke into Denki's chocolate stash.

It carried on like that for the next two days minus the standing around, the three of us excused from class and Todoroki doing most if not all the runs to the shops for chocolate and whatever else I was craving. He also seemed to scare off all the unmated wolves who entered the dorms, teachers included.

I made it clear that the only touch I wanted was cuddles and they said that was fine, doing their best to dull the pain of my heat through any means except for the exact thing that gets rid of it for a few hours. When my mind got too caught up with the pain on wanting more than just cuddles they made sure not to let me push myself onto them, at one point having to use that stupid alpha voice to get me to lay still so I wouldn't keep trying to take off both mine and their clothes.

Todoroki had had enough apparently when he came back on day three with a bag full of ice-creams to see me curled up crying, a distressed Kacchan trying to calm me down to no avail.

He sat down next to me, pulling me into his lap before pulling Kacchan close when the blonde didn't move, said blonde looking like he himself was going to start crying. It took a while for the crying to stop, and even after it had I still refused to move from my curled-up position with one hand clutching Kacchan's shirt, the other being held in Todoroki's own hand.

It was another 20 minutes of Todoroki and Kacchan silently staring at each other (Which is really weird when your brain is too horny to understand there communicating through the mate link)

"Deku?" lifting my head only enough to show I've heard him I listen as Kacchan moves around, tightening my hold on his shirt in case he tried to leave.

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