Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Coming Out


"Being In Love Isn't Hard.

It's who and what your in love with that makes it impossible to be okay"

Taehyung sighed nervously, fiddling with his hands.
His mind replayed the words he was about to say, over and over again, like a record that stopped midway.
He took a deep breath, gulping down his nerves.

He soon walked into his parents room, his heart racing madly.
That's when he saw them, sitting in their thrones talking.

Slowly the elder walked to them "eomma..a-appa" Taehyung spoke taking another breath "Son. What do you need? His father asked "I....I have something to tell you" Taehyung spoke, avoiding eye contact "Yes son?" His father asked, his eyes and ears on the elder.

His mother was only smiling, staring at him her eyes and ears on him to.


"I know you want me to marry a girl, be in love...with a girl" Taehyung began "i know that you wanted me to be proper, be a perfect son....but....I'm-"

"I'm gay" The elder spat, closing his eyes tightly.
He felt as if everything would be okay, but he was far too wrong.

The next thing he knew was the floor, and his eye, was throbbing in pain.
When he opened them, he saw his father, talk, dark, and scary, standing with his fist out "you are a disgusting disgrace" he spoke coldly "You- cannot be gay, no, I cannot accept that" he spoke "it's that Jungkook kid isn't it" He began "I should've had him killed long ago-"

"You fucking touch him- I swear you will regret everything" Taehyung spoke angrily "I let you toss me around like some weak slave, but I will not let you take the one and only thing keeping me not only alive but happy- And that's him- and if you touch him, I will make your life. Terrible one" Taehyung spoke, his glare piecing strait into his fathers.


"We have a problem.
It seems my son has lost his way, all because of Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook"

"He's a distraction for the king my son wants to become, he'd changed my son, even making him 'gay'"

"My son isn't gay, and won't ever be gay, so I'd like you, right in front of Taehyung, take that boy, ruin Taehyungs life, make him know exactly how capable I am as king"

"And I don't care how much pain you put that kid in, the more blood the better"

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