Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


Keep Going


"It's hard to keep fighting, when the world gives you every reason not to"

"Just...keep...going....keep's another beating should be normal by now...the pain should be normal"

The sound of the crisp wind hitting the walls, the creaking of the wood just outside...
The cold floor, the oh so familiar cold floor that Jungkook had grown used to with the insane amount of time he spent here.

His body was still thin, his bones so noticeable it was sickening.
He was weak, and brittle.
His entire body was bruised and beaten, the untreated broken bones healed, but not properly.

The younger hadn't been outside in a year, he hadn't felt grass...mud, smelled sweet trees and fresh oxygen.
He hadn't been in a house in so long, a bathroom, living room, bedroom.

He hadn't felt the warmth of bedsheets, he hadn't seen his family...In a year.
It killed him to not know what they could be, how they are.

He couldn't see Taehyung.
He only saw darkness, and only felt pain.

He still ate dog food once a week...and everyday would get punched or kicked.
He still had the bucket, still was mostly alone.

He kept going, even though it was becoming harder and harder each day.
He sometimes wished that the men would end him when they came down to him.

Jungkook sighed laying on the floor, a small puddle of blood around him.
With a deep breath, he began to sing quietly, it became one of the thing when had been doing now for a few months.

It was now the only thing he felt confident in.
Since the guards would bring him down horribly, destroying Jungkooks self-esteem.
They told him he wasn't worth anything, that he was just a weak worthless trash that was kept up for a reason.

They told him Taehyung never came for a reason, they told him he made new friends and moved on.
They said his looks were horrible, his body, his family, his life.
They made him feel worthless, and through that Jungkook continued to fight.

The younger took a deep breath before closing his eyes.
"Hang on..."

"Just keep hanging on..."

Poor kookie

I've had many plans for The ending of this book.
And our next big climax!

But only I will know what that is!

And when :)

So how are you

Are you eating Well

Sleeping well

Drinking well

Mentally okay!?

If not then I want to be the reason you smile!

If not then I want to be the reason you smile!

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Look iz ma dog

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