Chapter 17

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Chapter 17




"Memories are a bruins way of holding onto the past, a way to not forget all...and also possibly forgive what's happened before"

"Taehyug" a voice spoke "Yeah Jimin?" Taehyung replied with a sigh, staring at the small flowing creek before him "Are you okay?" The male asked "I'm-....Im not good and I'm not exactly bad" Taehyung replied "so your...sad?" Jimin asked "in a way...I've become used to feeling this way now" The elder replied laying on his back "It's Jungkooks birthday today...He'd be twenty" Taehyung sighed, smiling lightly.

"How's his family...?" Jimin asked "They...are hurting...they lost their son, and his siblings lost their older brother...his mom has been so sad lately, I figure it's because today is the first birthday she hasn't gotten to spend with her son" Taehyung sighed "My father..." Taehyung spoke balling his firsts "took such a good person away Jimin...Jungkook was my everything! He was the one thing I could look forward to when I woke up, and he'd be the last person I'd think of before I slept....he made living bearable, he even made my father feel less horrible for some times, before yet again he stole the thing I loved and killed it...killed him" Taehyung sighed "My mom seemed to be the only one who cared but my dad being my dad threatened her too, she can't even treat me decently...her own son"

"Wow Taehyung...why haven't you said this before?" Jimin asked "I never had a reason to" Taehyung sighed "I never felt the need or the will until recently to ever bring up Jungkook...I still struggle to even say his name" Taehyung sighed "I just hope that he's looking down on me and is proud that I'm trying..." Taehyung sighed "I know he is...from what you've told me at least....How did..."

"He die? father killed him" Taehyung began "he took Jungkooks body and put it in a bag, burning it" The elder sighed angrily, "right in front of me...I just had to sit and watch as my best friend burned to death..." Taehyung spoke, his eyes filling with tears that quickly fell down his face "Taehyung..." Jimin spoke "I never even got the chance to save him Jimin....I let him down...I let him down so much he died Jimin"

"No" Jimin snapped "Your father killed him, not you" Jimin spoke "What he did was horrible and unforgivable" Jimin began "And you are not to blame for what he did, not then, not now, not ever" Jimin spoke before sighing wiping the elders tears "how about you make him a letter, and send it off in a balloon?" Jimin spoke "hmph...okay" the elder replied, the smile he had lost was actually true.

Taehyung was finally begging to be happy again.

"Happy birthday to me...damn guards and their loud ads comments...."

"Where the hell Did they go? Leave again to have me rot even more?"
Jungkook spoke before slamming his fist on the ground "why- why can't this torture be over, I'm spending my damn birthday in a storage cellar..." the younger sighed "I hope everyone's okay without me...I wish I could tell them it's okay, that I'm okay" Jungkook sighed, letting a few tears flow

"I don't know if I can hang on anymore"

"Oh you can't hang on? What a pity...poor Jungkook can't be sad" a voice snapped "What now..." Jungkook sighed "I'm here to teach you a lesson, a harsh one"

"Taehyung where are the balloons?" Jimin asked as he poked Yoongi "in the storage closet, and or cellar" The elder replied "nice of you to show up Yoongi" Jimin smirked "Aish- shut up, I was napping!" The elder replied "that's why you sleep at night sloth man" Jimin smirked "what!?" Yoongi replied "sloth man, tired, slow, and probably grumpy" Jimin teased before running off to the storage cellar.

"Where is it..." Jimin whispered, seeing an open door "ah-ha!" The youngest whispered happily, walking to the entrance.
That's when his eyes widened, it was Taehyungs father, yelling at someone "You poor thing, your oh so sad, mr I just wanna give up because I'm locked here, well boo-hoo Jungkook, your such a weak worthless piece of trash, nobody's came looking for you, because they know your nothing but garbage, I just did everyone a favor" he snapped before the sound of a body slamming against of the ground, a small whimper like groan escaping Jungkook.

That's when Jimins eyes widened, the younger ran as fast as he could, his eyes flowing with tears at what he heard, he ran as fast as he could, shocked his guards saw him.

He ran so fast he couldn't stop himself from running strait into Taehyung, his eyes blurred from tears "Jimin- what's wrong!?" Taehyung asked "'s Jungkook" Jimin began

"Jungkooks alive....."





Have you eaten well



Mentally okay??!

If not I hope I can make you smile!

If not I hope I can make you smile!

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