Chapter 25

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Chapter 25



"Even the strongest of people can feel hurt.
Because no matter how strong you may be, your still human, and as a human being, you have emotions.

Even if you may pretend you don't"

The move was a lot easier than anyone thought.
Both Jungkook and Taehyung were given a home just outside the walls.
It was a medium sized home, it held a bathroom, two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and extra room, which held storage items and a washing room.

The two got moved in quickly, it was easy.
For once they felt life was finally going their way, it was finally a smooth sailing boat.

But all boats have bumps in their waves .

The town festival.
It was one of those yearly things that even Taehyungs horrible father let happen, and he actually enjoyed it.
This was the time for everyone to get together and have fun, eat a lot of food, and get souvenirs.

Jungkook and Taehyung loved it here, the people, the smiles, the laughter.
The always tense air filled with glee and happiness, it helped the two feel at peace.

Jungkook sighed as he ate, his eyes watching all the people as they walked by and had fun.
He smiled slightly, turning back to his food and Taehyung "well if it isn't Mr Kim Taehyung!" A voice spoke "Jimin! Yoongi!" Taehyung spoke, standing up and hugging the two "In surprised you guys came!" Taehyung spoke

"We- i didn't want to buy Jimin begged me to go, and then gave me his puppy dog eyes...he knows I can't stand those" Yoongi pouted "Hey, you can't be all that upset, your having fun"

"And if you dare say your not I will buy a stick and poke you with it every time I get a chance"
"Your so lame, just get one from outside"
"But it wouldn't be fun, since that's free, I can just spend your money on a stick Instead" Jimin spoke "Yah! I swear to god-" Yoongi spoke about to chase Jimin "Taehyung come on!" Jimin yelled as he ran into the ground, Yoongi behind him "Aish- those two" Taehyung spoke "come on Kook" Taehyung spoke before running after them.

Jungkook gulped, shaking his head "Yeah Taehyung, I'll cancel my plans for your friends..." Jungkook sighed, walking into the crowd.
It was crowded, far too crowded, each second you ran into something- Somebody else.
Jungkook could feel his hands tremble, as his mind flashed with that tight cellar room.

He shivered madly, his entire body beginning to shake in fear, the voices he once heard becoming muffled, the only sound apparent becoming a loud ringing.

The younger felt his legs stop, tears filling his eyes that quickly fell down.
He felt his breaths become less and less, and his chest began to go up and down madly.
He put a hand over his heard then to his head, as both in this moment hurt.

His walls he had up crumbled, and the strong Jungkook who acted like what happened was fine, broke.
He was breaking down, a panic attack caused from claustrophobia, that only grew worse with time.

Jungkook desperately searched for Taehyungs who was nowhere.
His vision soon became blurry, his cries only getting louder.
The younger thought he might fall at any moment until he felt warm arms wrap around him, Taehyung.

And as if in an instant Jungkooks panic attack calmed enough for him to hear "Jungkook- What's wrong- are you okay?" Taehyung asked "I-I'm- fine" Jungkook spoke "hang on, let's go to the hill, remember?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook nodded, before fooling Taehyung out of the parade

"So Jungkook...what happened, and don't say nothing this time" Taehyung spoke "Taehuyng...I was locked in a space that could barley fit me, for months and after day, it felt like it got smaller, and all I could do was lay there as it shrink around me" Jungkook spoke "and as all those people got around me and closed me in, I felt the same pain and fear, as if I'd get crushed or suffocated by the tightness of I panicked,
I could feel myself lose touch with the world and myself, it was like I was dying" Jungkook spoke

"I couldn't breathe, I couldn't even move for a bit...then you got to me...just in time" Jungkook spoke "What happened to Jimin and Yoongi?" Jungkook asked "They got worried for you, as did i, and had me go find you...luckily I did...when I found you,
You were pale and crying, I couldn't grab your attention at all, so I hugged you...and then finally you came back to me"

"I'm sorry for how I ran away earlier" Taehyung sighed "it's Fine Tae, really, honestly it's better here, it's nice to see everyone laugh, have fun, it's peaceful there too....but here, it's like the quiet place I can go to and talk" Jungkook spoke "It's like that place you built
Me all those years ago, I went there a lot after you got taken...but I was afraid my father would burn it or destroy it so I stayed away" Taehyung sighed

"Maybe one day, we'll go back there, and imagine how life was, and how it is then at that moment"

"One day when we're old and grey, when we're not afraid to let go"









Me throwing a chair

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Me throwing a chair.

-author Nim

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