Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The Cellar

"Feeling low is a horrible feeling, but when you have nobody by your side to help you through the pain, darkness becomes less of an enemy.

And more of a friend"

The floor.
The cold, damp, hard cement floor.

This was all Jungkook felt, everyday he was kept in here, eating nothing but dog food, lying in his own filth.
He felt like an animal...maybe it's what he was- it's how they treated him now.

His meals consisted of dinner, and that's all.
He'd eat bread and disgusting dog food.
He slept on the floor, and did his business in a bucket in a corner.

The cellar was so small, it was just enough to fit four corners, a bucket, and Jungkook.
He had no blankets, and just the clothes they gave him, which were basically rags.

There was no light here, just darkness, constantly.
He had nothing else to hold onto but the darkness, so it became his friend, he had nothing else to not only lose, but to have.

A guard would come in most days, to hand him food, or take the bucket.
Some days they'd not come at was like the never-ending story of the same thing, every day.

Wake up, use the bucket, and lay on the  cold ground, holding his broken ribs and badly bruised body, the blood loss being just a dried up puddle on the ground, a layer of it being on him too.

Jungkook cried so many tears, everyday he'd imagine something else.
His siblings, his parents, his Taehyung.
He hated the idea of them all suffering, it killed him.

He wandered what his siblings were thinking, he was fearing the idea they think he abandoned them, and it was his fault.
He imagined his broken parents, wandering why and how their son was taken, wandering if they didn't do enough to protect him.

He was afraid of Taehyung becoming his own worse enemy, trying to grit himself, he was afraid of what would happen to him, after what happened.

He just wanted to see them again, tell them he was okay...but even so he'd be lying.
He wasn't okay, but he wouldn't admit it to himself.

Jungkook gasped loudly when the door opened, the site of a guard sitting there holding a walkie in his hand "T-The h-hell..." the younger whispered as he watched the guard got close to him

"I've got him here sir, damn kid is a mess"

"Go ahead"

"This- this is gonna be fun" was all
He spoke before he attacked the younger harshly, beating him, kicking punching, yelling.

Blood began to puddle yet again, the youngers ribs breaking even more, the pain of all the guards hits becoming unbearable.

"Wan" Do-Yun spoke "Yes sir?" Wan replied "Taehyung here seems to not have learned his lesson yet, the asshole punched me" Do-Yun spoke "what!? Have you punched back!?" Wan replied "Oh yes, he's out cold" Do-Yun spoke almost...evilly

"H-How could you-" Jungkook snapped "why isn't it Jungkook" Do-Yun spoke "How could you hurt him- how could you hurt Taehyung!?" Jungkook yelled "He's your own son, your flesh and blood!? You act like he's a robot, when he's a human being!" Jungkook yelled "awww look at you, so protective, so loving, change the world type of guy, well Jeon, the world doesn't work like peaches and damn rainbows, Taehyung is going to be king of a shown country, he can't be weak, he can't be lovey dovey to everyone" Do-Yun replied "He's going to pay for punching me, at the cost of you Jeon, your life to him, is everything, I could easily end your pathetic life and lay your dead body right in Taehyungs room" Do-Yun spoke "AND WHAT GOOD WOULD THAT DO!? What!? What kind of point are you proving exactly!? That your strong!? Your only strong because of the damn guards that babysit your ass" Jungkook spoke "my, aren't you a tuff one, it seems like it would be hard to break you, but it won't" he spoke "you see, your smarting off to a king, I could easily, end those two siblings of yours-"

"Stop" Jungkook interrupted "oh don't worry Jungkook, it'll be over soon for them anyways, not after the plans I have set....

Now wan, get back to it"







HOW are YOU!?

If your bad, tell me why, and if your good, TELL ME WHy!

I purple youuuuuu


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