Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


The Date


"One can to explain the joy of being with the one you love most, the feeling of being with them, all the time is mesmerizing"

Suits, ties, fancy pants and shoes (oh my)
Jungkook gulped as he looked at himself "do I look good enough...maybe....maybe I'm not good looking enough..." the younger spoke his eyes closing slightly, the feeling of tears, and memories flashing back.

All the pain those guards made Jungkook feel, how they made him feel like he wasn't and never could be good enough

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All the pain those guards made Jungkook feel, how they made him feel like he wasn't and never could be good enough.
When he looked in the mirror before he loved what he saw...but He'd look in the mirror and wish he could change everything.

"Taehyungs going to think I look horrible, he's going to cancel" The younger sighed before taking a deep breath and walking outside his door.
That's when he saw Taehyung, staring out the window.

His heart began to beat madly again, the feeling of his face heating up made him shiver

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His heart began to beat madly again, the feeling of his face heating up made him shiver.
He shook his head and almost walked away when he saw Taehyung turn and face him, the elder stared for awhile, his face a tent of red, and his eyes gleaming at the younger

"I-I know I might look bad...B-But I tried...and-"

"Bad? You look amazing Jungkook" Taehyung spoke before going wide eyed and turning away "L-lets go" the elder spoke before opening the door, outside sat a limo "Damn Tae, you went all out" Jungkook giggled "What can I say?" The elder spoke, his face still red from before "There's also a firework show today" The elder smiled, the two getting into the car "Awesome! It's been so long since I've seen fireworks!" Jungkook giggled, his eyes almost glittering.

Taehyung stated at the younger for a bit, the car moving, taking them to their location, but he didn't even notice.
His heart began to race, and he couldn't help but stare at the youngers handsome face.
His thoughts were snapped when the younger looked at him, his face immediately went red again "You okay Tae?" The younger asked "I'm Good- sorry" the elder spoke, scratching his neck "Your lyingggg" the younger spoke "what-"

"Your neck! You always scratch it when you lie" the elder spoke "Oh look whose all smart now" Taehyung mocked, his eyes squinting "So whats actually wrong with Mr Taehyungie" Jungkook asked and Taehyung gulped "I really don't know Sir smart stuff" Taehyung spoke "Awe someone's being a big baby" Jungkook spoke "Hey- I'm- I'm not a baby- Mr Snuggle a lot!" Taehyung spoke 0"Oh- well I should call you Mr stares a lot!" Jungkook argued "Your attracted to my 'oh so amazing' looks"

"Yah- my eyes don't like, and neither should yours kook" Taehyung spoke watching Jungkook get slightly uncomfortable

"snuggle boy" Taehyung giggled "Yah-!" Jungoook yelled again "YOU WILL REGRET ALL LIFE DECISIONS"

The restaurant was beautiful.
It had sites and beautiful wanter below it, and a nice walkway next to it that led to the fireworks.

Taehyung and Jungkook sat down, and immediately became wrapped up in conversation, their laughter being the main factor in each conversation.
Even when they got their food, they couldn't stop talking, it was like they had a drug with talking with one another.

The continued to talk more and more even as they walked. The stars shining down so perfectly, a somewhat chill wind blowing across the land in quick blotches, and fireworks slowly began to go off.
The two found a small hill and sat on it, watching as beautiful lights and colors filled the night sky.

Taehyung would find himself staring at Jungkook, getting lost in the youngers galaxy eyes.
He'd snap out of it a few times, but he found himself seeing more of Jungkooks face than fireworks.

Jungkook on the other hand was so happy, and so drawn into the fireworks he didn't even notice Taehyung looking.

"Taehyung aren't they beautiful.." Jungkook spoke "They works of art in the sky" Taehyung smiled "When I was locked up, I missed those colors so much, because all I saw each day was black and grey....

No sun, no outdoors, no work.....nothing but a small dark room....
since then I've learned that life is precious...and human beings forget that life is so much better if you pay attention to it, even the small things" Jungkook spoke and Taehyung stared once more, in awe with the youngers words.

"I've learned to keep the ones you love most close to you, and hold onto hope, even when it seems or feels gone...hold
Onto the hope you'll see the light again" Taehyung spoke, while staring at he sky.
Jungkook smiled at him, feeling his heart rate pick up again, and the feeling of his cheeks tingle.

The two didn't even realize how close they sat in just minutes.
They were in awe at the sky, just talking, and living the life they missed.

"Jungkook..." Taehyung spoke "Yeah Tae?" Jungkook asked "Why do you think of yourself so poorly" The elder
Asked "the guards...they made me feel I was nothing and meant nothing....they said I looked ugly....and fat....and weak"

"They were wrong, .your strong... handsome, think....your perfect Jungkook....I wish..." Taehyung spoke "I wish I could make you see that" he spoke turning the younger, staring strait into his eyes, then to his hair, his cheeks, his nose...everything.

He grabbed the youngers cheek with one hand, leaning his face in.

And the Sparks flew.



I was tired today, and almost didn't
But then I was like-

So now I'm here.

How are you all?

Did you

Eat well

Sleep well

Drink welL

Mentally okay?

Mentally okay?

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It's ma dog.

Since I have no new photos of me


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