Chapter 7

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Chapter 7




"Feeling is like an enemy and a friend at the same time, you can feel so much...

And feel so lost at the same time"

"And...he punched me...all because I was gay" Taehyung spoke his eyes quickly welling with tears "what a could he" Jungkook spoke "I..I know it can't help, but I'm gay too...I can help you" Jungkook spoke "your family?" The elder asked "they were super supportive, they just want me to be happy, who and whatever I love, they don't care" Jungkook smiled "I love them so much" Jungkook spoke "but I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere" The younger smiled, wiping away Taehyungs tears "don't cry, I can't stand it when you cry"

"I-Tgank you Jungkook" Taehyung smiled "I don't know what I'd do without you"

The days went by, and more time was spent with Jungkook and Taehying being alone.

Taehyungs father on the other hand, was planning his move of attack on Jungkook, he had horrible plans...ruthless ones.
He was waiting until Taehyung and Jungkook grew even closer, to them rip him away from the elder in the most horrible way imaginable.

The man had a hatred for Jungkook, saying that the he made Taehyung gay, saying he ruined Taehyung of being a proper king, made him too soft.

It wasn't normal, the hate the anger, the rage.
It was a lot, and since he was a king, the most powerful being, nothing could be done or said to stop it...The worst part hadn't even happened yet.
Nobody knew the depths of him, nobody knew how his sanity was dropping.

Nobody knew the events to come, except him.

Jungkook smiled as he hugged Taehyung tightly "see my mom is super supportive!" Jungkook smiled "I told you and you had fears! You know my mom and dad wouldn't ever hate you, price or've been my best friend, that's more than enough for them" Jungkook smiled "what about your younger siblings? Do they still love you?" Taehyung asked "I mean they seemed like they did"

"They do...such good kids, smart and tough, but kind, and accepting"

"You can't find kids like that often" Jungkook smiled "makes me glad I was able to raise them in a way" Jungkook smiled "Aish- What would anyone do without you" Taehyung giggled, watching the younger smile "I don't know, I'd hope they wouldn't fall apart, nobody deserves that" Jungkook spoke "my goal is to make sure everyone's okay, and everyone's taken care of, and as long as that's happening, I'm content" Jungkook smiled "and when and if I go early, I'd hope they can somehow continue...I'd hate to see any of them cry" Jungkook sighed looking down "More than...." He began "More than what?" The elder asked "more than my parents already do" Jungkook sighed

"They act like I don't hear it? But I do, and it kills me, because I can't help, no matter how hard I try" Jungkook sighed, soon laying on the grass "come
Lay with me Tae" Jungkook spoke, watching as the elder laid next to him "Now, Lets not talk about that anymore, let's talk about you, how your doing" Jungkook smiled

"I feel lost and alone in some ways, my only escape being you, and your father hasn't talked to me much since that day, my mom went from perfect mom to almost evil, and me being gay has ruined everyone" Taehyung spoke "why can't he stop" Jungkook spoke balling his fists "it's like nothing you do makes him happy, and it's horrible, your smart and talented, handsome in so many ways and have so much to give and yet he still acts like your not enough!"

"Your more than enough, and I hate that the can't see it too" Jungkook sighed and Taehyung smiled brightly poking Jungkooks nose "you look cute when your mad" He giggled and Jungkook smirked "oh har har Tae" the younger giggled "Thank you for that....I didn't know I was truly all that"

"WHAT!" The younger yelled "MR KIM TAEHYUNGEEE HOW DID YOU NOT—OHHHH YOU BETTER RUN BECAUSE IMA GIVE YOU EIGHT THOUSAND REASONS WHY YOUR AMAZING" Jungkook yelled, soon chasing the elder into the distance, the sound of him yelled out compliments filling the air.

"Tears are all I have now...what even is my self worth now..."



What do you think will happen next?

What did you think of this chapter?

I have so much work to doooo- ughhhhh

Save meeee!

Are you eating well?

Sleeping well?

Drinking well?

Taking care of yourself mentally and physically?


-Author Nim

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