Chapter 21

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Chapter 21



"When you fight, you feel like your on cloud nine, and when you feel like you've lost it all"

"I'm sorry but...."

"What..." Taehyung spoke his heart pounding, his hands beginning to tremble slightly "The kid has...many problems"

"S-So he's alive...?"


"But...we don't know for how long"


"Follow me" she spoke before Taehyung nodded, following her to a hospital room.
The two stood right outside of it, Taehyung knew it was Jungkooks room, even before the doctor said so, he could almost...feel the youngers presence.

"To begin with...Jungkook is very, very malnourished...It seems he hasn't eaten anything food in a year and a half" she began, Taehyung eyes going from her to the floor, his hands in fists "He also has intense wounds which didn't heal properly which need surgery to fix..." she sighed

"but...he has an intense infection in his brain, that we can't surgically fix without either damaging important parts of his brain or killing him in the process...." she began "but the infection is horrible, and seems to be caused by being beaten and slammed so much, and since he didn't get the proper healing for that, he wasn't getting the care it needed which started an infection...but as time grew large, it only got worse"

"This infection Taehyung, might kill him..." she spoke.
Taehyung fists grew even tighter, his eyes welling with tears "fuck..." he mumbled, his fists turning white "But...we hope with the right medicines and time we can heal his injury's and he can go on with a full recovery"

"Thank you...for everything" Taehyung spoke "I'll be sure to pay any money you need for this, and I will help any way I can"

"Thank all I need from you now is the address of Jungkooks parents, and a possible number" she spoke "of course"

Taehyung gulped as he entered the room, his eyes landing on a bandaged, stick thin Jungkook on a hospital bed.
Pills decorated the counter behind the younger, along with medicine tubes...exc.

He had tubes all over him, and his heartbeat was slow.
Seeing the younger in this state, It broke Taehyung.
The walls he had, the strength he held was gone in an instant.
He shakily walked to the younger sitting next to him, grabbing His cold hand.

That's when the wall broke, and nothing but a waterfall full of tears came flooding through.
The elder began to sob loudly, the blame he held settling in.
He began to talk of how he blamed himself, and how it was all his fault, and now none of this would have happened if he hadn't been stronger

His sobs only grew louder, and his heart only broke more.
It was as if everything that happened finally hit him.

He continued to cry and cry.
Before a sound, a horrible sound hit him.

Jungkooks heart monitor.
It wasn't beating.

"J-Jungkook- N-No!" The elder yelled "PLEASE NO!" He yelled as he watched Jungkook grow paler and paler







What will happen next


I have my next TWO books planned

What do you think they are

As always

Did you

Eat well

Sleep well

Drink well

are you mentally okay? If not then...

are you mentally okay? If not then

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Look at meeee!

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