Chapter 10: Calling Card

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After Axol rested and recovered we started making plans to get through the rest of Madarame's palace. Of course we also had to come up with a name for Axol while he is in the Metaverse.

Morgana: So what should the new recruit's code name be?

Tari: It has to be kitsune, you know with the mask and everything.

SMG4: Hell yeah, that really leaves an impression.

Axol: Are you talking about me?

Morgana: What do you want your code name to be?

Axol: I'd say "Da Vinci."

SMG4: Nope.

Axol looked shocked.

SMG4: Well, you've got that mask like Tari said... And there's that weird tail... All right, you're "Abura-age"!

Axol: Very well.

Morgana: He's agreed to it!?

SMG4: It's decided then: Abura-age.

Tari: Nuh-uh! Not happening!

Meggy: Do you have any ideas, Y/n? You know, any good ones?

Y/n: Fox.

SMG4: Ohhh, just keep it literal, huh? Sounds good to me.

Morgana: What do you think Fox?

Axol: It's acceptable.

SMG4: It's set then. Let's go!

We stood up getting ready to enter the Palace, then Meggy grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a kiss.

Meggy: Be careful Y/n.

Y/n: I will, I got a great team watching my back don't I?

Tari: Of course he does.

SMG4: Yep, we got his back.

Y/n: All right, let's do it.

As the girls went to the comms room, SMG4, Axol and I pulled out our phones and entered the Palace. As soon as we entered we immediately made a run for the door that we opened,m thankfully to see it still open.

Skull: Alright sweet, Meggy and Saiko did good didn't they?

Joker: Yeah, they did.

We ran through the door thankful that the guards that were here before when we tripped the alarm were gone. After running past a few shadows and trying to find a way through a maze of paintings, finding which ones were real or not. Eventually we found both Madarame and his treasure. But the treasure was in an incorporeal form.

Mona: The reason his treasure is like that is because he doesn't feel threatened.

Skull: But what about Kamoshida?

Mona: He lost his kingdom once before, and saw two Phantom Thieves appear before him. Take insecurity, and overwhelming power and I'm sure anyone would feel threatened.

Fox: So what do we do?

Mona: We need to send a calling card!

Joker: Well, let's find a way to get to the treasure once so we can snatch it.

After looking for a while, we managed to find a winch that will be able to lower someone right toward the treasure, and we also found the controls to the lights, turning them off will give us a few seconds before they come back on. With a plan set we head back to the real world to get ready to send the calling card. SMG4 took the liberty of writing it down, and Axol took care of the design. I decided to take Meggy down to the city for some relaxing, soon she found a jewlery shop and told me to wait outside. 

?: Hey there pretty boy.

Y/n: Huh?

I look over to see a girl walking over to me.

Girl: Yeah I'm talking to you. I saw you with that weird looking girl, how bout you ditch her and I'll show you a real woman?

That started pissing me off, this girl has a lot of nerve talking about Meggy like that.

Y/n: You need to stop talking about her like that. And no, I'm fine with the girl I'm with now.

Girl: Or what? Come on she's not here right now, she won't know. 

Y/n: I said no.

Meggy: Y/n?

I turned to see Meggy with a bag in her hand. I push past the girl and grab Meggy's hand leading her away. After a while of walking we stop at the park. Sitting down I put my head in my hands.

Y/n: How much did you see?

Meggy: I heard her trying to take you away, and you telling her no.

I sighed in relief.

Y/n: I'm sorry you had see that.

Meggy responded by taking my hand in hers.

Meggy: It's alright, I know you wouldn't do anything like that.

Deciding to take the conversation somewhere else I noticed again the bag in her hand.

Y/n: So, what did you get.

Meggy: Oh, right! It's nothing much, but I just wanted to have something that will keep us together.

Meggy reaches into the bag and pulls out a box, she hands the box over to me. Opening it, it was a necklace that had her name on it.

Y/n: Thank you, Meggy I love it.

I look over and I see her holding a necklace with my name on it.

Meggy: Do you mind?

She handed me the necklace and turned around holding her tentacles for me to put it on. Once I do she turns around and pulls me in for a kiss. But this was different. During the shock of the sudden kiss, she manages to slip her tongue in, quickly turning it into a make out session. After a few minutes we pulled away, an orange string of saliva connecting us. 

Y/n: I love you, so much.

Meggy: And I love you, my Joker. Come on, let's go home.

We head back to the castle, putting my own necklace on, and holding Meggy's hand.

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