Chapter 33: The Beginning of The End

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As you woke up, you felt some restraint as you tried to get up. Looking over you saw the sight of Meggy sleeping. You smiled at her sleeping face, at how peaceful she looked. It was then you also felt something was... off.


You removed the covers to see that both you and Meggy were naked, and a small red stain was on the sheets. It took a minute but the events of last night started coming back to you. Releasing a sigh of relief, you looked back over to your girlfriend, who was beginning to wake up. She tiredly pulls you back down and curls up next to you.

Meggy: Good morning...

Y/n: Morning, Meggy. Uh... Do you remember last night?

Meggy: Of course I do. It was amazing.

The smile and blush did put your mind at ease, as you thought she would regret it. But you still had to ask her.

Y/n: Aren't you worried about, you know, getting pregnant?

Meggy: I've been planning on doing this for a while, so Tari got me some birth control. Besides, even if I do, I wouldn't mind starting a family with you.

And with a kiss on your cheek, that settles it. Now you knew for a fact, that once this is all over and stopped Mementos, you were going to marry this woman. 

Meggy: Now come on, let's get cleaned up and get dressed. I'm starving.

With a quick kiss, you both do exactly that.

After getting dressed, you both head down to the kitchen to get breakfast. Meggy went over to talk with Tari, Saiko and Desti while you went to talk with your team.

Y/n: Morning guys.

SMG4: Hey, there's the free man.

Akechi: Morning.

Luigi: Heya.

You all were talking about the party. It is safe to say that Sam, Ben and Ashley won't be bothering you anytime soon. Mario put them through some of his own little torture of making them see him naked. 

SMG4: So, where did you two go all night?

Y/n: Huh? O-oh well, uh...

Before you could try to divert the conversation, Morgana did it for you by jumping on the table.

Morgana: Sorry to interrupt, but I have some news. The big door in Mementos, Its open.

SMG4: For real?

Akechi: So we can go deeper.

Morgana: Yes, but we need to be careful, the Shadows there are more powerful than we've ever faced!

Y/n: Then I'll call Axol and we'll get ready.

SMG4: Alright, let's do this!!!


Meggy went over to her friends, while Y/n went to talk to his team. She giddily walked over and set herself in between Desti and Saiko.

Saiko: So what's got you so happy?

Desti: Obviously, she's still happy over Y/n's name being cleared.

Meggy: Not just that.

Tari: Did you find a way to turn you back into an Inkling?

Meggy: No, but I don't mind having a human body anymore. I like it.

The girls couldn't come up with any thing else.

Meggy: Here's a hint, thanks for the birth control Tari.

It took a minute for that to process, until...

Girls: WHAT!!?

Saiko: Is that what you two were up to when you dragged him away?

Desti: That would explain why she didn't come back.

The girls continued talking, from how their own relationships were working, to when Saiko's new band was going to get another gig, and Meggy and Desti's next training session for Splatfest. Suddenly an outburst fro SMG4 got their attention.

SMG4: Alright, let's do this!!!

The girls walked over.

Tari: Do what?

Luigi: Morgana told us that the big door in Mementos is open.

Akechi: And were going down there here in a bit to try and see if we can find the source.

Meggy: And Y/n?

Akechi: He's calling Axol right now.

As the group continued to talk, an hour passed as they heard the door open and Axol walked through. Now with the group together, they were ready to enter Mementos. The Phantom Thief members were pulled in for a kiss by their respective girlfriends.

Meggy: Please come back soon.

Y/n: I'll be back as soon as I can. Love you.

Meggy: Love you too.

With that the Thieves pulled out their phones, and with a few clicks, the world distorted as they went into the Palace of the Masses.

To end this once and for all.

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