Chapter 14: What if Mario and Y/n were in Splatoon 2

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You were sitting against one of the barricades thinking about everything that has happened. From meeting Meggy, to being locked in that cell and awakening your Persona. To defeating Kamoshida and Madarame. Becoming a Phantom Thief. Now though your top priority is helping Meggy with the upcoming splatfest. You saw her and Mario trying to splat each other, him trying to hide and throwing multiple splat bombs. Meggy just smiled and changed into her squid form, landing behind Mario and she shot him, making him go flying.

Meggy: Sorry for going so rough on ya, Mario! Alright, now to find Y/n.

She began looking for you, checking every corner she passed.

Meggy: If I was a devilishly handsome thief, where would I hide?

Unbeknownst to her you were right around the corner, quickly you reach out and grab her hand, making her gasp in surprise, spin her around and dip her, making her have on leg in the air, supporting her with a hand on her back, the other holding her hand.

Y/n: Hey there beautiful, come here often?

Meggy: Dammit, I was so close.

Y/n: Had you not made that compliment, I wouldn't have known you were there.

You then stand up straight, and once Meggy was back on both feet she brought you in for a kiss. Once you break away she stares at you.

Meggy: I never get tired of doing that. Come on let's go get Mario and go home, I'm hungry.

Y/n: Same.

You both walk over and pick Mario up who fell down again. But he stood up on his own.

Meggy: Thanks again for helping me train for the splatfest guys!

Y/n: Of course.

Mario: No problem... Just make sure not to aim for Mario's spaghetti noodle next time.

You all share a laugh.

?: Aww isn't this cute?

You all look over to see an octoling with who you were guessing was her team, and another human. He looked familiar, like you've seen him on TV before.

?: Sorry am I interrupting something?

Meggy: W-Who are you?

?: Who am I? You've never heard of Desti! The unstoppable leader of the Octoposse!

Meggy: Doesn't ring a bell...

Desti: WHAT!

Mario: Octoroks? You're the guys from that Zoldo game right?

Y/n: You're thinking of Zelda. But you know I can't tell the difference either.

Desti looks pissed and pulls out Blaster shooting you and sending you flying.

Meggy: Hey! No one shoots my boyfriend! Are you looking for a fight!?

Desti stops her team as their getting their weapons out.

Desti: Says the girl that failed in the first round of splatfest. I'll send you an autograph when I win this years splatfest.

The other human walks over and helps you up.

?: Sorry about her. She gets really competitive when she sees another team. She's really nice when you get to know her though.

Y/n: Really now?

?: Oh where are my manners? My name is Goro Akechi. Nice to meet you.

Y/n: Akechi? Like the detective?

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