Chapter 35: The Will of Rebellion

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Meggy just sat there. One moment you were there, in her arms. Then the next you were gone. Engulfed by the black flames, and vanished. Same with SMG4, Axol, Morgana, Luigi and Akechi. It was quiet, only the sound of the rain hitting the pavement was heard.

Then she screamed.

Meggy screamed at the top of her lungs. Crying and screaming is all she did. If what that...voice said was true, that the masses no longer saw the Phantom Thieves as a real thing, and must be erased...

That meant you were dead. Gone. Ceased to exist. The pain at that realization was greater than when she risked her life to give Axol the ink for his pen. Tari, Saiko and Desti walked over to her and pulled her into their hug. They were the only ones there right now. A ramp led up to a large building, and Mario and the others ran up it.

Hugging each other and crying at the loss of their loved ones was all they could do for right now. Until they heard rumbling behind them. A large door appeared before them, and started to open. They were shocked to see who walked out of it.


You awaken in the Velvet Room. Sitting up you hear Igor talk to you.

Igor: In the end, you rehabilitation was not carried through. It seems I have underestimated you.

Y/n: What happened?

Igor only chuckled. Caroline hit the bars with her baton.

Caroline: You incompetent prisoner!

Justine: The assistance we provided was all for naught.

Igor: Humans are more apathetic...and more foolish than I had thought them to be. The world will soon see its ruin. You have lost the game. You were meant to bring change to mankind as a Trickster, but it seems that was too much for you. In accordance to the game's rules, the defeated must pay a price. Your life is forfeit.

That surprised you, as well as the wardens.

Igor: I sentence you to be executed.

Caroline: Executed?

Igor: God's decree is absolute. My experiment has come to naught... Everything is over. Grant that man a swift death.

Caroline: If that's what our master wishes...

Y/n: Are you serious...?

Caroline: It just means that you weren't an upstanding prisoner.

Justine: That... may be true, but...

Igor: What is the matter? Carry out his sentence at once.

Justine begins looking upset.

Justine: Are we really going to kill him?

Caroline: Don't falter now! It's all his fault for losing the game!

They opened your cell and dragged you out, throwing you on the ground.

Caroline: Alright, Inmate. We now proceed to the execution of your sentence.

Y/n: No... I can't die yet... I still have to stop this.

You begin to stand up, surprising the wardens and Igor. Familiar blue flames surround you and your black and white jumpsuit transformed into your Phantom Thief attire.

Caroline: How insolent... To think you'd show your rebellious will after all that. Ready Justine?

Justine: If our master orders so... then it can't be helped.

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