Chapter 24: Truths Revealed

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You stood there, shocked. Akechi knew about the Metaverse. Not only that but he knew that you could enter it. 

Meggy: Y/n? What's wrong?

Y/n: You remember that one human, who was with Desti?

Meggy: Yeah, what about him?

Y/n: He knows. About the Metaverse, and that I can enter. He wants to talk.

Meggy: What!? But he's a detective right? 

You nod. Meggy grabs your hand and holds onto it tight.

Meggy: Can I at least go with you?

Y/n: I'm sorry, but Mementos is a dangerous place. As much as I want you by my side, I don't want to bring you to a place like that.

Meggy: I-I understand. Just please be careful.

Meggy wraps you in a tight hug, not wanting to let go.

Meggy: I love you.

Y/n: I love you too.

The two of you share a kiss. Pulling away, Meggy gives you a smile and goes to her room. You pull out your phone and enter the Metaverse.


As you enter Mementos, you see him, standing against the wall in a black and dark blue outfit. 

And a black mask.

He looked over at you.

Akechi: Ah, is that you, Y/n?

You nod.

Akechi: I was wondering when you would show up.

Y/n: So what's all this about? What is it you have to tell me?

Akechi: First of all, I want to apologize.

Y/n: Huh? About what?

Akechi: I saw that video. That your friend showed. About your past. That man who ruined your life.

Y/n: It's not your fault.

Akechi: I now who he is though.

Y/n: How?

He looks away, even through his mask you can see the shame on his face.

Akechi: His name is Masayoshi Shido. He is... My Father.

That surprised you.

Y/n: Your father?

Akechi: Yes. He abandoned my mother and I when I was only a child. She later on committed suicide. Since then I was passed around orphanage after orphanage. That's when I met Desti. She became my closest friend, and when we went to school, she would protect me from bullies. Eventually she did those Turf Wars and got enough money to get her own place, bringing me with her. That was about three years ago. She saved me from loneliness, and my own depression, ever since then I fell in love with her. She made me feel wanted. A year later, I wanted to help out a bit more, and became a detective, she thought it was dangerous and didn't want me to, but eventually agreed.

Y/n: I know where your coming from. Three years ago, was when I was falsely accused. Rumors spread around and everyone hated me. Soon it became too much and I dropped out. Thankfully, my parents, and Peach believed me and Peach let me stay here while they went to try and clear my name. I felt alone, broken, and out of place. But my friends helped me through it all. Meggy was that last piece that I needed, and now I know my place.

Akechi: That's wonderful. I'm glad we both found our place. But there's something else I need to tell you. I'm sure you heard on the news, the psychotic breakdowns and mental shutdowns?

You have, It was weird. One moment people would act normal, then all of a sudden they would lose it. Oozing a black substance out of their eyes and go crazy, or they would die on the spot. You nod to Akechi.

Akechi: They were... Because of me.

Y/n: You... Caused all of... That?

Akechi: Yes, but let me explain! One day I found this weird app on my phone. I clicked it and it sent me somewhere. At first I didn't know where I was. Then I saw him, Shido. Then I don't know, something snapped and all my anger and hatred for him was released. I awoke to my Persona.

He reached up and grabbed his mask, ripping it off. A black and red humanoid figure floated above him with a sword in front.

Akechi: This is my Persona, Loki.

Y/n: The God of mischief himself.

Akechi: Yes, once this happened a group of enemies attacked me, I barely escaped. But when I did make it to the real world I looked up what happened. Apparently this is a subject called cognitive psience, how we view our own reality. This is where our desires spawn from. This is where we are most vulnerable. So I had an idea, I could work for Shido, gain his trust, and finally enter his Palace and kill him!

Y/n: But I'm guessing it didn't go as planned?

Akechi: It didn't. Soon I began showing signs to rebel, and he found out about Desti. Unknown to her, he had her targeted, a tool to use against me. If I disobeyed him, he would have her killed. Right in front of me.

Y/n: That sick bastard. Using someone else to use you. What else?

Akechi: He gave me two new targets. Peach, and the leader of the Phantom Thieves.

Your eyes widened, and began slowly taking a battle stance. Then he said something that made you stop.

Akechi: But I won't. I refuse to do anything else for that piece of shit. When I heard that you were changing hearts, I found a better way than just killing him. I can make him live with his regret. The only thing is, ever since you appeared he has his Palace locked up tight, not even I can get in.

Y/n: But what about Peach, and Desti?

Akechi: I don't really have a time limit on my targets, as long as they are completed, and plus I can just say you got to her first and stole her heart. He may be able to know about the Metaverse, but without the Nav he can't really check. Plus her Shadow isn't all that dangerous, just mumbles to herself on what she should buy next.

You both couldn't help but laugh a little.

Y/n: So we'll need to think of a plan to enter his Palace. Give me some time and I'll think of something. Anyway, how was your date with Desti?

Akechi, visibly happy with the change in subject, smiled widely.

Akechi: She said it was great, and told me how much longer she had to wait before I asked her. She wants to go on another one soon.

Y/n: That's great. Akechi.

He looks up.

Y/n: You once told me that if you were given a chance, you would want to join the Phantom Thieves, correct?

Akechi: Yes, I did.

Y/n: Well, here's your chance. Come on Akechi, would you like to work for the other side of the law for a while?

You held out your hand, Akechi walks up and with a determined smile, shakes your hand.

Akechi: I'd be honored to.

Taking a good look at his mask you thought of a good code-name for him.

Y/n: Welcome to the team then, Crow.


(A/n) As you can see I changed Akechi's character story from being a lonesome kid who wanted attention and recognition so badly he was driven insane by it, to another poor soul who was caught in Shido's manipulation. While that was Akechi's original case anyway, I just liked his character and upset about the conclusion to his story. I can't tell you how happy I was when they said he would be given a more in depth character development, and return to the team in Royal. Also in the backstory chapter I realize I used the whole interrogation scene by mistake. I was tired, and just typed what I heard. Cause I haven't seen the scene in so long, so I will make some changes to that.

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