Chapter 1

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A/N: This book has a Mature rating

Antonio Angel Hernandez Sanchez

He was gorgeous. I held my breath as he browsed the stands at the front of the store. He picked up a keychain with a flashlight on the end of it and then put it back. I didn't know god-like men such as him existed in real life except for actors in Hollywood movies. He put the key chain back down and walked to the next stand. He browsed through the postcards before he went further into the store. His long, calloused fingers lingered on the leather jackets. He looked at the price tag and a chestnut eyebrow lifted.

I saw one of my salesmen making their way to him. I rushed to intercept him. I grabbed Sam's shoulder and said, "I've got this one." Sam gave me a strange look, but turned around and walked the other way.

"Good afternoon, sir," I said to the customer. "May I help you with something?"

Golden eyes looked at me and I forgot to breathe. My heart beat rapidly in my chest. And for a moment I pictured those golden eyes staring down at me with his sculpted, naked body pounding inside me. I shook my head to clear it of those extremely dangerous thoughts. I smiled and only then realized my expression must have frozen when he looked at me. This gorgeous stranger easily made me lose all rationale. He probably wasn't even gay.

His golden eyes scanned me up and down in an assessing way. They lingered on my nametag. I suddenly became aware of the many extra pounds I had put on over the years. I needed to start working out.

"Don't you have salesmen to help out the regular customers, Mr. Hernandez?" his voice was liquid smooth and my fingers tingled.

"Of course," I said, "but I also like to help out in all aspects of the business. I don't want to forget my roots. I hope that makes me a better boss. And please call me Antonio."

He nodded and looked at the leather jackets. His fingers ran along the sleeve of one of them. How I wished those fingers were running over me. I really needed to get control of my thoughts. I wasn't usually like this.

"I'm looking for a good armored leather jacket," he said.

"This one is one of the best," I pulled the jacket off the rack and held it out to him. He took it and inspected it carefully. "If you're in an accident, this is the best one for protection."

He slid it on and I swallowed hard. He was gorgeous. He took it off and looked at the price tag. His eyebrow lifted again. "Don't suppose you'd give me a discount?"

"I'll give you a ten percent discount." Seriously, what was wrong with me?

"Fifteen percent," he said.

And now I could tell he was just testing me to see how much I would let him get away with.

"Done," I said. What? No. Seriously. Something was really wrong with me.

He smiled and I melted.

"What else can we get you? A helmet? Gloves? Motorcycle boots? I noticed you looking at the keychains earlier. Do you need a keychain? Do you ride? Of course, you do. You wouldn't be purchasing an armored jacket if you didn't." Shut up, Antonio.

I went quiet.

He looked at me for a moment and then he pointed to the front store windows. "That's my bike out there."

It was black and silver and beautiful.

"You certainly have good taste," I said. "If you ever need it repaired, we have some of the best repairmen in the state."

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