Chapter 13

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Antonio Angel Hernandez Sanchez

Our lips moved together in the warm kiss. I wanted this moment to last forever. He had kissed me. He was kissing me. It was surreal that he wanted to be more than friends just like I did.

My arms wrapped around his neck. His tongue slid along my lower lip. Mine met his as the kiss continued. I hadn't kissed like that in a long time. Everything about that moment was perfect until the bell chimed indicating someone had just entered the store portion of his shop.

He sighed heavily as he broke off the kiss. He lightly touched his forehead to mine.

"Guess I better go see who that is," he said. "Come on. I'll introduce you as my friend."

I nodded and followed him as he walked through the door that connected the store to the garage. A short, portly man stood patiently at the counter. He had a bright face and a dignified manner.

"Frank," Dean greeted.

"Dean," Frank said. His eyes drifted to me.

"No wife today?" Dean asked as he went and stood behind the counter. I stood near Frank on the other side.

"No. She got bored staying home all day so she now teaches yoga at the gym."

"I see," Dean said.

Frank's eyes drifted to me.

"This is my friend, Antonio," Dean said.

"Nice to meet you," I said and stuck out my hand. He shook it. "I'm Antonio, owner of Hernandez's Motorcycles."

Frank smiled. "Ah, yes. I thought I recognized you from the commercials. You're the one who hired Dean to repair all those motorcycles over the winter."

"That's me," I said.

"I run my own business too," Frank said. "It doesn't do so bad."

"He's being fake modest," Dean said. "He wants me to tell you that his business is the most successful in town. Which it is. He just wants me to be the one to tell you."

Frank frowned at him, but it wasn't a serious frown. I got the impression they had been friends for several years.

"I'll have to check it out sometime," I said politely.

"How does Sarah like the motorcycle?" Dean asked Frank. "Any plans to go riding together now that the weather is warming up?"

Frank smiled, but it didn't seem to quite reach his eyes. "She's a little afraid to start learning how to ride. She just needs a little encouragement."

Dean nodded. "So what can I help you with today?"

"Before I start riding again, can I bring my bike in and have you take a look at it just to make sure everything is in order?"

"Sure, bring it in the morning."

He nodded. He looked at the countertop and his fingers lightly tapped the top. "I heard you're going to give Zack and Eva riding lessons."

"Yeah," Dean said. His eyes watched Frank carefully even though he retained his air of nonchalance. "Your kids are buying Bev a motorcycle for her birthday. Zack and Eva decided they want to go riding with her I guess."

Frank nodded, but didn't look up from the countertop.

"You heard it from Eva?" Dean asked.

Frank nodded, but still didn't look up. "She told me she and Zack were getting riding lessons. She suggested maybe she could ride along with me some time." He finally looked up at Dean. "She didn't tell me they were buying a bike for their mom."

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