Chapter 15

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Antonio Angel Hernandez Sanchez

My alarm went on earlier than I would have liked. I turned it off and rolled over intending to go back to sleep, but then I remembered the night before. Valentine's and how Dean wanted to take it further and I wanted to take it further, but I was too self conscious because I was fat and he was like a god. I sighed and scrambled out of bed. I needed to go to the gym. I didn't think I would get my six pack back. It had been many, many years since I had it, but I at least wanted to look decent. I got dressed, prepared my work clothes and grabbed my gym bag.

When I stepped out into the hallway, Liz quietly tiptoed out of her bedroom and closed the door softly behind her. She wore a t-shirt and gym shorts.

"Why are you up so early?" I asked her. I knew she and Sarah had been up late. They hadn't been quiet in their bedroom.

She yawned before she answered. "They should make the day after a Valentine's a holiday too. I don't want to go into work today. I'm going to make coffee. Do you want some?"

I walked with her down the stairs. "No, thank you," I said. "I've got to get to the gym."

"Why? If it's to look good for Dean, he's clearly into you. It was as clear as day on his face last night."

"I want to feel comfortable in my own skin," I said. Although, I couldn't deny it was partly because of Dean. Okay, greatly because of Dean. I hadn't thought about it much before I met him. And yes, he was interested in me and didn't seem to mind my weight when he wanted to take things further, but I still minded. I shouldn't look like a big, fat Jabba the Hutt next to his movie star good looks.

"But dad bods are in now," Liz said. "Just look at that sheriff from Stranger Things. Everybody loves him."

"I think that has more to do with the actor and the character rather than everyone suddenly being into 'dad bods'," I said.

She shook her head as I followed her into the kitchen. "You're wrong," she said. "And I wish you could see how good looking you really are. You're not a good judge of yourself." I sat down at the table while she moved to get the coffee started.

"Exercising will not only boost my self confidence," I hoped, "but also make me healthier."

"I suppose," she said. "Just as long as you're doing it for the right reasons. So how did it go with you two last night after we went upstairs?"

I shrugged. "We watched a romantic movie and then I took him back to the restaurant so he could get his truck and go home."

She sat across from me at the table. "That's it? No juicy details?"

"I told him a joke and he kissed me," I said. "Apparently my jokes turn him on."

She paused and raised one eyebrow. "Sounds like the perfect guy for you. It didn't go any further than that?"

"You're lesbian. Why do you always want the details of my love life?"

"Isn't that what good wives do? Ask their husbands the details about their love lifes?"

We paused and then both burst out laughing. "Isn't that what best friends ask each other?" she amended when we had calmed down.

"He did want to take it further," I said, "but I stopped him. I told him I wanted to take it slow."

"Ugh," Sarah said from the kitchen door frame. I hadn't realized she was up and listening to our conversation. "Just go for it. We all know you want to. What's this nonsense about going slow?" She stepped into the room and went to stand behind Liz. She put her hands on Liz's shoulder and massaged them lightly. She wore a tight t-shirt and jogging pants. Her blonde hair was messy, but she didn't either care or didn't know.

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