"All you have to do...is embrace your fear within... "
*Back to the show*
Lexi: What...was that?
Makayla: I have no fucking clue.
Casey: Um..ok, let's get over what we saw. Next up we have Team Voltage Vs. Team Evolved.
The lights then flickered and everyone looked around before the lights came back on normally.
*Cut to backstage*
Team Evolved had ambushed Team Voltage in the locker room, with Tyler performing a Brainstorm on Destiny on the floor. Raymond and Jericho doubleteamed Connor before performing a Double Powerbomb on him onto a LED TV. The brawl continued to the outside and Tyler superkicks Titan into the ring. Jericho was the legal man and as soon as the bell rung, Jericho gave Adam a Judas Effect.
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Lexi: This isn't even fair!
Chris pinned Adam for the 3 count and it was only Chase Destiny and Jackson King. Connor was taken out by the LED Powerbomb. Jericho tagged in Moxley and he started going nuts on Destiny, backing him into the corner until the ref pulled him off. Chase dodged a punch and attempted a digit manipulation, but Tyler springboards off the ropes and takes down Destiny. King remained on the ropes, not wanting to get in on the action, while Chase looked obviously pissed off.
Makayla: At least our team is on the same track, Jackson and Chase fucking hate each other!
Lexi: Hey idiots, get along! We need this win!
Jon tagged in Major and Chase quickly kicked him in the face and Chase backed into the corner, Jackson quickly jumped off the apron. Jackson feigned a knee injury and Raymond kneed him in the face, which was pressed against the turnbuckle. Raymond tagged Reed back in and Chase performed the Requiem.
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