Triple R Vs Dani Everett Vs Io Shirai Vs Dakota Kai
Chris Jericho Vs Keith Lee Vs Jordan Mac Vs Finn Balor VsAdam Cole
Taped: December 18th Aired: December 21st
Makayla: Welcome Back to Clash Of Dimensions!
Casey: We are nearing the end of this awesome tournament and now we will be having two Fatal-4 Ways!
Makayla: Oh my God, I cannot wait!
Casey: Say no more, they're tonight!
Alexander: The following contest is a Fatal-4 Way match! Making her way to the ring, from West Des Moines, Iowa, Tripleeeeeee R!
Triple R quickly took off her trench coat on the ramp and quickly sped walked to the ring, absolutely determined.
Casey: Think she still has her teeth after the WALTER attack?
Makayla: Shut it.
Triple R sat on the top rope and rested her head.d
Alexander: Her opponents first, from Auckland, New Zealand, Dakotaaaa KAI!
Dakota was still holding Tegan's knee brace in her hands, despite what happened the previous week. Dakota got into the ring, briefly glaring at Triple R before holding up Tegan's knee brace.
Makayla: I like this Dakota. Her soft side only got her nowhere.
Alexander: Next, from Aurora, Colorado, the EWI Women's Champion, Daniiiiii EVERETT!
Triple R kept her eyes on Dani and chuckled as she made a belt gesture. Dani rolled her eyes before jumping into the ropes and going into the ring holding up her title.
Alexander: The final participant, from Kamakura, Kanagawa, Japan, Iooooooo Shirai!
Io made her way to the ring as all 3 participants got ready and Dani gave her title to the referee. Io got into the ring and got in her corner as the bell rung. As Dani and Triple R looked like they were going to team up, Dani superkicks the hell out of Triple R, making her roll out of the ring.
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