Age Of Extinction - Part 3

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*after commerical break*

Dani was backstage, laughing at what she was able to complete today and looked at the camera.

Dani: It seems that the unhappy couple has broken up. So, now that Jessie has more problems coming for her, I set my sights on the future. Civil War.

Dani sat down on an equipment box and brushed off her title.

Dani: Oh that'll be fun. WWE Vs EWI! What're the odds?! Except that um... we're going to destroy WWE. And at my own request, we went to do it in your court. I want Civil War to take place in the Thunderdome. So the superior brand can humiliate you on your home field! The challenge is open.

The camera cuts back to the ring. Around the ring was ladders, chairs and a few tables.

Malinda: Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for our main event OF THE EVENING! The contest will be a Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match!

Malinda: Introducing first, from Helena, Montana, IZZY RIIIIIIVEEERRRA!

Casey: I think it's hard for Izzy to have a worse night then Bayley.

Makayla: Trust me, it's possible.

Izzy walked down to the ring after posing on the ramp, walking down to the ring making a title gesture around her waist.

Makayla: Izzy is, in my opinion, the underrated pick to win this match, what are you thinking?

Casey: Anything can happen in EWI.

Izzy leaned in the ropes, waiting for the other participants to walk out.

Makayla: Remember, Izzy surprised everyone by winning a last chance Fatal 4 Way by smart means-

Casey: You mean stealing the win from Kylie Rae.

Malinda: Next, from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, Aliceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee AWWWWWWEEEESOMMMEE!

Alice emotionlessly walked to the ring, staring down the title from the ramp, hanging from the ceiling.

Casey: From the underrated choice, to one of the favorites in this match, Alice has been waiting for an opportunity at the top title for the longest time and after defeating short time rival, Dani Everett and Kylie Rae, she has the chance tonight.

Makayla: Even if she doesn't win tonight, everyone is gonna have a sore jaw after this match.

Alice got into the ring and throws her jacket into Izzy's face, which made her nearly attack but the ref held her back.

Casey: And here is my pick to win.

Makayla: I actually agree with you, Roxanne is nothing short of a one woman wrecking machine.

Malinda: And from Arequipa, Peru, ROXXXXANNEEEE VICIIIOSSO!

Roxanne quickly went down to the ring, climbing up to the apron before looking up at the EWI Women's Championship hanging up. Roxanne gets into the ring and rebounds herself off the ropes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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