Fight 4Ever - Part 1

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June 21st, 2020, Michael Vernon Arena, Chicago, Illinois

Makayla: Welcome to Fight 4Ever!

Casey: It has been one hell of a ride to get here and the rivalries leading into this event have been nothing but personal.

Makayla: We know tonight they'll fight until they physically can't. Without further ado, let's get things underway!

Alexander: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring, residing in Hollywood, Florida, weighing in at 235lbs, DOLPH ZIGGLER!

Makayla: Dolph has been on Randall's bad side for multiple weeks now and Dolph had to fight just to get this match! Of course he's going to get his ass beat though.

Casey: You don't know that.

Dolph got into the ring and quickly took off his jacket, waiting for Randall to come out.

Alexander: His opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 201lbs, the Chairman of EWI, Randalllll VERNON!

Randall was nowhere to be found and Dolph waited in the ring. The camera cut back to the inside of the ring and Randall snuck in and gave Dolph a low blow.

Casey: Randall snuck up on Dolph!

Randall quickly took off his jacket before casually walking into his corner. Dolph fell into his corner, as the ref made sure he was able to compete. The ref rang the bell and Randall quickly started to strike him. Dolph could barely defend himself and was backed into the corner.

Casey: I'm disgusted.

Makayla: When aren't you.

Randall pulls Dolph out of the corner and performed a Snap Suplex. Randall gets Dolph up and attempted a Back Suplex but Dolph lands on his feet and performed a Back Suplex of his own. Dolph gets back up and stomps down violently on Randall multiple times.

Randall was trying to run off but Dolph ran in front of him and trapped him in a side headlock. Randall ran Dolph off the ropes and Dolph ducked under a kick by Randall, before Randall attempted a pop up but Dolph countered with a dropkick.

Makayla: Dolph with a picture perfect dropkick!

Dolph went over to Randall and attempted a Jumping Elbow Drop but Randall moved out of the way and performed an enzigiri on Dolph. Randall gets Dolph into a Fireman's Carry before dropping him on the turnbuckles and Randall runs off the ropes, performing a spinning heel kick.

Casey: Randall laying in the offense here!

Randall goes up to the top rope and waits for Dolph to get up, and Randall hopped off the top rope with a Crossbody attempt but Dolph rolled through into a pin attempt but Randall kicked out.

Makayla: Great counter pin by Ziggler but Randall kicked out!

Both men got up and the two simultaneously head-butted each other. Both were stunned and Randall leaned on the ropes. Dolph ran at him and attempted a Jumping DDT, but Randall tossed him to the outside of the ring. Randall immediately ran off the ropes, attempting a suicide dive, but Ziggler countered with a Superkick.

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