Makayla: Coming up next here is one of the biggest matches in EWI history, the stakes are at an all-time high!
Casey: The EWI Tag Team Champions, Jessie Sinclair and Veronova Mendes will take on the EWI Women's Champion, Triple R and the EWI Women's Intercontinental Champion, Dani Everett, winner will take it all home!
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Alexander: Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the Winner Takes All Tag Team Match! Introducing first, the EWI Women's Champion, Triple R and the EWI Women's Intercontinental Champion, Dani Everett!
R and Dani were bragging about their belts, not keeping their mouths shut as they walked down to the ring. The two got in the ring and held up their titles in the air.
Casey: R and Dani are the resident accomplishment junkies in EWI, imagine if they were to become the FIRST EVER Double Champions in EWI history?
Makayla: They would never shut up about it and I would love it!
Alexander: Their opponents, first, from Denver, Colorado, one half of the EWI World Tag Team Champions, Jessieeeee SINCLAIR!
Jessie walked down to the ramp, holding her half of the tag team titles. Jessie walked down halfway and sat on the ramp, waiting for her partner to walk out.
Alexander: Her partner, from Glasgow, Scotland, the other half of the EWI World Tag Team Champions, Veronovaaaaa MENNNDESS!
Veronova sprinted to the ramp, walking to Jessie, the two sharing a fist bump before they walked down to the ring.
Makayla: I still can't believe the history books read that these two, TOGETHER, are tag team champions. Just this year, they wanted to kill each other!
Casey: We've seen weirder things happen. Jessie and Veronova are a great team!
The two got in the ring, holding their titles up in the air. The referee prevented R and Dani from attacking. The 4 gave the referees their titles, who held all 4 up in the air.