Mauro: Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to Clash Of Dimensions! I'm Mauro Ranallo, joined by Nigel McGuiness, Casey Beck and Makayla Vernon!
Makayla: We are so excited for this tournament to continue and I'm sure you all are too!
Alexander: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, making her way to the ring, from Kamakura, Kanagawa, Japan, Iooooooo Shirai!
Io went to go to the ring but was attacked from behind by Sinclair, who drove her into the ring apron.
Casey: Keep this in the ring!
Jessie attempted a Suplex onto the apron but Io landed and stomped on her arm. Io ran off the ropes and performed a Moonsault to Jessie on the outside, still in her entrance gear.
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Io threw Jessie into the ring before booting her in the face. The bell rung and Io went back up to the top rope and performed another Moonsault.
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Mauro: Another Moonsault by Shirai!
Io attempted a pin but Jessie kicks out and Io attempted to lock in a Koji Clutch, but Jessie rolled into a pin in which Io kicks out. Io rolled through and Jessie kicks Io in the face. Jessie ran off the ropes before Io slid her down and roundhouses her in the back of the neck.
Makayla: C'mon Sinclair!
Io gets Jessie up and attempted a Double Underhook Backbreaker but Jessie slid under Io's legs and rolled her up. Io got back up and Jessie attempted Bloody Clary but Io turned her head and performed a Suplex. Io attempted to go back to the top rope but Jessie kicked her down and pulled her through the ropes. Jessie then performed Willow's Bell.