Reflection - Part 2

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Lexi looks over Jessie on the glass table, and Jessie got back up immediately, despite having glass in her back. The two stared each other down before starting to brawl again. The Reaper tried to spit mist but Lexi ducked and the mist landed on the creaky staircase.

Jessie ripped a part of the staircase off and tried to wack Lexi with it but Lexi ducked and Jessie hit herself with the whiplashed stairboard before Lexi locked her in a front facelock and DDT'd her on the steps. Lexi walked off into the kitchen of the house and Jessie sat up and chased after her and the two fought again with Lexi banging The Reaper's head off the wooden table. The Nightstalker wasn't phased and grabbed a covered steak knife and threw it at The Reaper but Jessie ducked and picked up a chair and threw it at Lexi, breaking the chair.

The Reaper: Not so tough now? C'mon, Lexi, fight me!

Lexi quickly retaliated with a boot to the face and attempted a Tombstone Piledriver, but Jessie wiggled out and superkicks Lexi. Lexi wasn't phased and kneed Jessie in the face. Jessie also wasn't phased and head-butted Lexi and draped Lexi over the wooden table and tried for the Willow's Bell, but Lexi got out of her grip and suplexed Jessie onto the table. Lexi looked up before going up on the staircase.

Lexi balanced herself on the railing and made her old Twisted Bliss pose before attempting Twisted Bliss on Jessie who was draped on the table but Jessie moved out of the way and Lexi put herself through the table. One of the referee spectators ran inside and checked on Lexi...who immediately sat up, slow but surely.

Jessie, her paint was coming off but was absolutely shocked, before running back over to Lexi and dropkicks her, mounting her and punching her multiple times. Lexi forced her off before walking over and giving Jessie a stiff forearm smash. The Reaper had went to a knee and Lexi grabbed a crowbar but Jessie got back up and pulled her back down from the hair, desperately trying to keep her down. Jessie looked up before getting behind the refrigerator. In a last ditch attempt to kill the Nightstalker, Jessie tried to push down the refrigerator on Lexi. At the last minute, one of the spectators stopped Jessie from pushing the fridge.

Spectator: No, don't do it, it's too far!

Jessie thought for a second before spitting mist in her face and tried to push the fridge down, and had succeeded. The thing was Lexi had moved while Jessie was arguing with the spectator. The Reaper looked around before finding Lexi on the outside, face pressed up against the screen door. The mask was slightly cracked and she had her tongue out.

Jessie slowly walked towards the door and had another staredown with The Nightstalker. As Jessie's paint wore off, the weaker the Reaper got. Jessie stared down at the nightmare in front of her, knowing she was fighting the Nightstalker as herself. Jessie, slowly opened the screen door and the Nightstalker was waiting outside for her. Jessie closed the screen door and walked up to the Nightstalker before attempting to punch her, but her hand was caught and The Nightstalker picked her up and performed a Tombstone Piledriver. Jessie laid there limp as The Nightstalker sadistically laughed as a referee ran over. The Nightstalker slowly started to walk off and the referee called for the bell.

Or she was trying to, Jessie grabbed her hand at the last minute, preventing her from ending the match.

Jessie: Don't you fucking dare!

Jessie used her to get up and ran over with the last of her strength and tackled the Nightstalker, clawing her eyes, punching her and stomping her multiple times. Jessie and Lexi fought back to the side of the house and Jessie got the last minute advantage. Jessie found a rope and tied Lexi's hands together and found a hooked, hooking them to the house. Jessie stomped on Lexi's chest before locking the Nightstalker's neck in a steel chair. Jessie walked off for a minute before running back over and dropkicking the chair into her neck. Jessie, grabbed a toolbox out of the maintenance shed and clubbed the Nightstalker in the head. Lexi looked limp and Jessie was utterly exhausted. Jessie crawled away from the house, finding the Lake Of Recreation, washing her face with it, trying to soak away the blood she had on her face, while also washing away the little paint she had left on her face.

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