Melody Burns and Toronto native Hockey panelist, Ellie Barnes were on the preshow panel all smiles as the cameras panned to them.
Melody: Ladies and gentlemen, we are live from Chicago for the kickoff show for Apocalypse!!!
Ellie: The best wrestling show in the world is doing what they do best and the long anticipated event has arrived.
Melody: Yesterday was a huge go home show, with shocking moments.
Ellie: Yep, you were right in front of your boss and friend, when he put Drake through a table.
Melody: What can I say, he may of went mad, but he still can move like he did when he was my age.
Ellie: Damn straight. Now what match is being talked about first?
Melody: What about a very very looked up one, The Nightstalker Vs Mercedes Elizabeth.
Ellie: Now, here's the deal. Over the past few weeks, Mercedes has been altering herself and prepping herself for something that might not even be of this world.
Melody: Lexi disowned Alexa Bliss, disowned The Goddess, and now we don't even know what her mentality is.
Ellie: She is not herself at all. Mercedes has next to no chance.
Melody: If Mercedes comes in it with a plan, she might be able to get her. I like Mercedes alot, she could be a future champion.
Ellie: I just think tonight won't be her night. Now what about David North and Velveteen Dream?
Melody: I think we have to remember that North and Dream have faced off before, and Dream won dirty.
Ellie: Not cheating if you don't get caught.
Melody: David North has the power advantage and could rip Dream in half if he wants to.
Ellie: Dream has the mind game advantage and will use that to defeat Dream and take his title.
Melody: Speaking of the Infinity Championship, our next match is to determine the #1 Contender for said Championship, up next.
Alexander: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, making his way to the ring, from Cincinnati, Ohio, weighing in at 225 pounds....Jonnnn Moxley!
Makayla: Moxley returning from an injury scare, is looking to make up lost time!
Casey: And what better time to do that then to get an opportunity for gold!
Moxley got into the ring and posed on the ropes while howling.
Alexander: And his opponent, from Cardiff Eng-
Jordan Mac attacks Tommy Moore from behind. Jordan Mac gets Moore up before chokeslamming him on the steel part of the ramp. Moxley exits the ring and tries to run at Mac, but gets absolutely mauled by a huge Dropkick.
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