Triple R leaned on the ropes tiredly as Taya jumped into the ring and handsprung off the ropes, landing on her feet.
Casey: Taya isn't at 100% either, but definitely better then Triple R.
Taya smiled before turning back to her corner, looking at Triple R. The bell rings and Triple R limped to the center of the ring and the two had a staredown as the crowd went crazy. Taya slapped Triple R in the face and the two struck each other at will. Triple R pushed Taya away and superkicks her. Triple R walked back over to Taya and threw her towards the ropes and picked up her legs, trying to get her out. Taya held onto the ropes as tight as possible. Taya extended her legs and kicked R in the face, making her let go. Taya got up and leaped into the ring, landing on her feet and bicycle kicking R. 3 minutes had passed and the countdown started.
Makayla: Who's gonna be the 3rd entrant into the women's Casino Royale match?
Casey: Someone good hopefully!
Taya ran off ropes and her and Triple R superkicked each other simultaneously as the countdown reached 0.
Makayla: You're kidding me?! HOLY-
The camera panned to the ramp and the COO, Melody Burns came out in full gear as the crowd cheered loudly.
Casey: Never wrestling again, my ass!
Makayla: Melody is back in a wrestling ring in the red and black gear, actually wrestling now this is a surprise!
Melody took off her leather vest and ran to the ropes and got on the ropes before springboarding into the ring and performing a Springboard Rana on Triple R.
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Makayla: Springboards into action!
Melody leaned in the corner and her and Taya looks at each other before the two fist bumped and before the two locked up and the two tried running at each other but backflips away from each other. Triple R got back up before the 3 tried running at each other but they backflips away from each other before Triple R attempted a Holy Cut on Taya but was pushed into Melody who performed a Spin Kick. As the countdown started, the 4th entrant, new signee Jessica Storm ran out.
Makayla: Really? I would wait as long as I could until my number came out. Let the other people do the work.
Casey: I agree. But most rookies these days are vile dummies.
Jessica ran into the ring and Triple R ducked her attempt at a Clothesline and Taya and Melody lifted up Jessica up in a double flapjack before R caught her with a Holy Cut.
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