The epic pyro goes off as Monsters by Shinedown played and the loud Toronto crowd roared in cheers.
Makayla: The long wait is over, Welcome to Apocalypse!
Casey: Arms have been broken, backs have been busted and dreams have been realized in the buildup of to this already chaotic event!
Alexander: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making her way to the ring, Mercedes ELIZABETH!
Mercedes stormed to the ring, immediately getting in before getting a mic.
Mercedes: I'm not afraid of you, Lexi! You're just another Vince reject because you wouldn't keep sucking his dick for a living! Now, you're probably sucking off Randall or hell probably going to the other side of the buffet with Melody, but either way, you will never beat m-
The intro to the "Moment Of Positivity" played before it suddenly blacked out, as did the entire arena. The Alexa's old theme played, before it cut off into eerie sounds of another song.
Blood red lighting filled the arena, as the Nightstalker came from a dark blue vortex effect from the ramp.
Alexander: Her opponent....The Nightstalker...Lexi KAUFMAN!
The crowd was dead silent, as were the Commentators as Lexi slowly made her way to the ring. She Bec more visible, and it showed her carrying a lantern of Alexa Bliss' head and dragging a mallet to the ring. Lexi leaned her mallet against the apron, putting the lantern on top of it. Lexi stood on the steps before the ref lighting started to flicker like lightning before she got into the ring, and it showed the Nightstalker mask more clearly.
Makayla: What did we just witness...
Casey: Something not of this world, Kayla.
Lexi stood in place as Mercedes looked on not believing what she just saw. The referee rang the bell as the red lighting slowly turned blue. Mercedes quickly ran at Lexi and perfomed the finisher of her best friend, The Manhandle Slam.
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