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Randall was backstage, ambushing Drake, and had just put Drake through his own car window.
Randall: I'm hereby removing you from the #1 Contender's match! You're not cleared to compete.
Randall stomped Drake's head against the car before exiting the parking lot.
Alexander: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring, from Lucerne, Switzerland, weighing in at 234 pounds.. Antoniooooo CESAROOOOOO!
Makayla: At least we know that our next #1 contender won't be a clown.
Casey: Drake was robbed!
Antonio got into the ring and took off his jacket before looking at the ramp.
Alexander: His opponent, being accompanied to the ring by Chairman Randall Vernon, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, weighing in at 228lbs... Chris Jericho!
Chris came to the ring, and Randall had a mic.
Randall: Why did i do it? Why Randall Why? Well it's simple. Payback. Drake is the most egotistical man in EWI. And he thinks I forgave him for what he did to me. Well he's wrong. And after a while, i reinstated Chris Jericho, as I had realized how much he's needed here. Chris Jericho is the future of EWI.
Chris got into the ring and got into the corner. The ref rang the bell and as Chris gave his scarf to Randall, he got an uppercut that sent him into next year. Cesaro unloaded on Jericho in the corner before he broke it up when the ref counted 4. Chris then perfomed a sudden Judas Effect on Cesaro when he backed up.
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