My Dad Happened

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Chapter 6

Aubrey's POV

So maybe crying while doing my homework wasn't the best idea. When I handed in my homework my teacher saw the stains of mascara and asked what happened. Didn't the one teacher already tell the whole school?

I got to my desk and silently sat there waiting for class to begin. Adalyn walked over to my desk with a smile on her face. "What's up?"

"Nothing. Just in trouble with my dad like normal!" I mumbled while looking down at the piece of paper. I started doodling little hearts around today's notes and it looked like Adalyn caught it. "Well I for one am super happy! Let's just say we're going on vacation very soon!"

I nodded my head and watched the clock. What's taking the bell so long to ring? I looked at Adalyn who was staring at me, "Hello! Vacation."

"Yeah, I'll be grounded while you go to Paris for the fifth time this year." Her parents loved it there. So did Adalyn, but don't you think Paris is just a little excessive? It's beautiful there, I know. But five times, goodness.

She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, "My mom said you could come this time. Bring Alex and I'll bring Jack." She smiled.

My eyes went big, "The both of us! With our boyfriends? In Paris?" Okay maybe the fifth time was fine. I would get to go with her and with Alex. I just hoped he would say yes, I knew he would. It's just kinda scary. But then I would have to worry about my dad. I already knew what he was going to say. 

"Yes. Both of us and our boyfriends, it should be fun." She smiled.


The teacher went up to the board and started writing today's notes down. The only thing I had to worry about was my dad. He barely would let me leave the house with a boy, let alone the country! Unless I showed him how responsible I am. I could even help with the mall more, it would be great.

I wasn't focused on the lesson at all. So when she handed out the pop quiz, I knew I was going to fail. "If any of you tell the other class about the pop quiz, I will give you all detention."

Adalyn raised her eyebrows and stifled a laugh, "What's so funny Miss. Torres?"

She shrugged her shoulders and looked back at the pop quiz, "Maybe the fact that we all have rich parents and they wouldn't be too thrilled with all of us having detention. I don't think you're allowed to do that either."

I watched as the teacher walked up to her desk and handed her a pink slip. A detention slip for today. There's no way in hell she's going to Paris anymore. She rolled her eyes and ripped it, "My father gives this school funds much like Aubrey's. There's no way in hell my dad will let this slide."

She did not just say that! She's going to have to start digging her grave and now I have to plan her funeral. Okay so maybe light grey tones and roses, since it's her favorite flower. I'll definitely say something and so will her parents. Did I really just start planning her funeral?

Adalyn looked back down at her test and the teacher went back to her desk. She dialed a number on her classroom phone and started talking in a whisper. This isn't going to end well and she even threw me into the mix. If my dad wasn't going to kill after that incident he was definitely going to do it now.


I walked in the building with mom yet again. We hadn't spoken a word to each other since this morning. I didn't really know why, maybe she's mad at me too. "You know I'm not mad at you right?"

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