An Asshole of a Father

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Chapter 25

Anthony's POV

She couldn't have been thinking straight when she brought that up to me. Knowing Aubrey she was probably up all night thinking about what to do and what could save her company. Quite frankly, I believed that she could do this by herself. Aubrey didn't need my fathers help, God forbid, she got my fathers help. All I know is that this wasn't a good idea, no matter how much she thought it was.

When I got home that day, Dad was already in his home office. He looked rough, but yet again, my father always looked rough and like he had one foot in the grave. I don't say that with kindness either.

"Is there any news regarding, Aubrey?" He asked me as I talked into his office.

I shrugged my shoulders and sat down in one of the chairs. It looked like his office had gotten cleaned, and I was guessing he didn't do it. Knowing him, someone had come in during the wee morning and cleaned the shit out of this place. I tried my hardest to focus on the task at hand but when it came to her, I felt like I was ruining our trust because by the end of this she'd be heartbroken no matter what happened.

"Her father's giving her the company." I mumbled.

Father looked at me and raised his brows. "Can you repeat that?"

"Her father is giving her the company."

"Did you just say what I think you said?" He asked.

I slowly nodded my head dreading his response. Anyone could walk into the room and realize he had just been giving good news, of course, because that's the way he is. I felt like I was moving down with my chair, like at any moment I would sink in and that'd be it. Apart of the chair and unable to move because suddenly, I didn't want to move from my chair. All because I knew that I'd be seeing her again.

Lying to her was hard enough.

Everything about it was hard. I didn't want ruin what we had because she made me happy, I was one of the happiest people alive because of her. Suddenly I was lying to her, my other brother was lying to her, all because of my stupid Father. This is how he ruined relationships, easily and just like this. He never cared, the last time he cared was when we were in our mother's stomach getting photos taken.

Father crossed his arms and leaned into the chair.

A subtle nod from his part and then a sickening smile that I hoped to never see again. I watched as he put his hands to the keys of his computer and started click clacking away. I didn't know what he was doing, but I knew it wasn't good. I sighed as I stood up from the chair, I looked over to him and his eyebrows furrowed. "Is there something else you want to tell me?" He asked.

There was so much I could tell him, I could make a lot of things known. I just didn't know where to start because I knew in the long run it wouldn't matter. Nothing about how I felt or how she felt would matter. All because her Father was giving her the company and she was giving it away. Just like that both our lives would be different and I didn't want to think like that, I just wanted to have some future with her.

"Whatever you're thinking about doing, don't. Please don't ruin her life. She cares a lot about that company and if you take that out of her, then a part of her will be gone." I said. "She doesn't deserve whatever you're thinking about."

"Good to know. Is that it? If so you can leave."

I stood up from the chair and nodded my head.

As I walked through the house I felt as if I was ruining things. Within myself and within that relationship I cared for so much. There wasn't a moment when I wasn't thinking about her and it's not like I spent all my nights at an office building. Dad had made a small rule that everyone in the building was supposed to be done by 10 pm sharp, unless we had a big pitch or something to that sort it was pushed to 12 am.

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