No One Wants Little Carters Running Around

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Chapter 9

Anthony's POV

Aubrey didn't go to any meetings this week. My dad wanted me to dig and see what happened. But I think all we needed to see was the way Cooper looked. He had scruff growing and his hair was a complete mess. His eyes were bloodshot probably from the mass amounts of alcohol he was consuming on the daily.

You could tell something was going on but I couldn't figure it out. I tried asking around but of course no one knew what was happening. I even tried talking to Adalyn. Instead I just got a slap on the face, didn't appreciate the amount of abuse I was getting from all these girls. First a knee to the nuts and then a slap, whats next? I get run over by a truck?

I knew I shouldn't be talking about it because I know Cooper would if I even went a football field from the ladies in his life. "How's your wife?" My dad asked.

He hesitated before finally giving us an answer, "She's great. Along with Becca and Aubrey."

"Where is Aubrey?"

"She hasn't been feeling well recently and we don't want her getting even more sick." He was trying to convince himself and that was for sure.

Even if it was true it would make sense. She looked like she was getting no sleep and she wasn't acting herself. She was jumpy and wasn't playing her hardest during games and practices. It was going through the whole school that she was pregnant. I guess it would explain being sick and not playing well. But that just seems unlike her.

"Are we going to talk or not?" Cooper started.

"I don't know. Normally your daughter starts things off."

"Yeah with back talk." It was like he was replaying the memories in his head. I was also surprised he wasn't biting my head off after all the things that have happened.

"Mr. Smith, I would like to apologize for my inappropriate behavior. I'm sorry for the pain I caused and I hope there's no hard feelings." My apologies didn't even sound real anymore. It was like I was following a script.

"I think Aubrey would want to hear that. But I swear to god if you touch her again or even try putting your disgusting self on her I will hire a hitman. Or press chargers, which ever's easier."

I nod my head knowing he was going to have to hire the hitman. Probably the charges, I mean that's the easiest for all of us.

I watched as my dad looked around the room and looked out the window, "Do you know when she'll be back?" I don't get why he was asking so many questions about Aubrey. I knew he was trying to upset Mr. Smith, but it probably wouldn't be the best.

"Beats me, my wife wants her to stay away for a little while. There's lots of people here and as I said it could put other people at risk. We don't need that, do we?" He mumbled.

My dad nodded his head and started talking about something that wasn't work related. But I didn't care, I just wanted to know if Aubrey was okay. I get that I act like a dick around her twenty-four seven but I'm allowed to care. With not being at school and not talking to her father lots of things could be happening.

After a meeting full of no work talk I finally got home. Most Fridays my mom would let the cooks and housekeepers leave early so she could cook for us. She was a great cook and that was true. She just liked giving people a break. She was unlike most, always wanting to do things for herself. It all changed when she came back from the mental hospital.

"Where is your father?" She started.

"He's coming in. We didn't really have a good meeting, they just chatted."

She stifled a laugh and smiled at me, "Is your father growing a soft spot for Cooper?"

I let out a laugh as my dad walked in, "Why the hell would I be growing a soft spot Cooper. He's an ass."

My mom got the food out of the oven and I started getting out the plates and stuff for dinner. My dad sat down and poured himself a glass of whiskey. My brother walked down the steps and he looked like he had a long night full of fucking and dumping. "Are you joining us for dinner tonight, Carter?"

He shook his head and let out a breath, "Not tonight mom. I'm going out." He grabbed his keys and put his hand on the doorknob, my mom looked like she would slap him. She took a sip of her wine, "Make sure you wear protection hun. I don't want another one of you running around the house."

My dad stifled a laugh while Carter turned bright red, "Okay mom. I'll be in late." He mumbled before practically running out of the house. I looked back at my mom who was eyeing the door over the rim of her glass.

"Wow." Dad mumbled.

She put down the glasses and unwrapped the top of the container. The food looked amazing, "Lets eat!"


I was walking around the halls when Alex stopped me, "Let me just get straight to the point, Anthony. Put a finger on my girlfriend ever again and I will end you."

I laughed and ran my hands through my hair, "Was that a threat, Star?"

"Take how you want. Don't touch her or kiss her, don't try anything." He walked away and linked arms with Aubrey. I swear they thought they were the it couple school. She's back one day and everyone grovels at her feet. She's the queen bee and everyone knows that. Sure the rumor is still going around that she's pregnant, which every time I hear that I want to punch the nearest person.

The worst part is, I still have those feelings. My dad said I'd get the girl of my dreams but the girl of my dreams is dating the biggest asshole in school. There's claims she's pregnant even though we all know that's not true. Everything is going to shit. 

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