Don't Use My Words Against Me

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Chapter 20|| Aubrey's POV

I didn't know what to do with myself. There was part of me that knew I shouldn't be in the office still, but there was another part of me that wanted to ask father questions. Mom had told father about the divorce three days ago; everyone's brains were reeling and to add to that. Turner was inviting the guy he was dating to dinner.

Anthony sat on one of my couches flipping papers while I was looking through the plans that were downloaded onto my computer. After looking through more blueprints and looking at general costs of things my brain couldn't catch a break. Suddenly all I could think about was this stupid hotel. Of course, there was still questions going on in the back of my head but that was for another time. I couldn't ask him now.

The clock ticking in the background was all I could hear. The flipping through the pages was turning into a minutely thing. Everything was working to a tee, but of course these two things were going to send me over the edge. I looked up at Anthony who started to click his pen, this time I think he was aware that he was doing it.

I tried to block out the sound in my head.

So I started typing something up for school. An essay that needed to be started ASAP or else my final grade would most likely be a F. But as I typed away already adding another sound to the mix, all I could focus on was the constant clicking and flipping of the pen and paper.

When I looked up at him, he was already looking up at me. A smirk was plastered against his face and all I could do was roll my eyes. "Please, please, stop. The noise... it's making me want to slap you across the face."

He chuckled and clicked his pen a final time before placing the pen onto paper. I rolled my eyes, smiling down towards my keyboard. Finally all the sounds meshed together and went to the back of my head as I continued to type the essay and look back at my notes. When I looked up at the clock I let out a breath of relief and started saving everything onto my computer.

I walked past him and while I did he grabbed ahold of my hand and pulled me down onto his lap. I let a giggle slip out of my mouth, "Why do we always meet this way?" I asked, trying to hold back my laugh.

He looked me in the eyes.

Something felt different when I was around him. There was just some sort of lightness that I always tried to achieve by myself but sometimes I could never get there. I knew relying on guys for things like emotions wasn't a good idea, but sometimes that's what happened to me. He made me feel different and made me feel happy. Even through all the shit we'd done to each other; being with him felt different.

"I don't know, maybe because I like you here?"

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Right here? In this spot?"

He nodded his head all while a smile grew on his face. His grasp on my waist made me close to him and of course, he was already trying to kiss me. So we met halfway before I felt all the little zings go off in my body. When we pulled away from our kiss I smiled at him. "Is there any chance you'd want to have dinner with my family and I? It'll be a really simple night; Mom, Becca, Turner, his boyfriend." I didn't mean to say that last one so fast, but I didn't know how some people felt about the world of LGBTQ. I was completely fine with it. For God sakes, Adalyn was apart of it.

He nodded his head without a look of surprise. "Will I come home with you? Meet your mother?"

"My mother, is fine with you, Anthony." I looked at the sliding door then back to him. "It's just Father who doesn't really like you."

"And why's that?"

I didn't know and I would never know. Mom had worked for Anthony's father and that's all I could think about. It wouldn't make any sense to why father didn't like Anthony. "Maybe a wrong business deal? Stole money?"

He chuckled. "Never. But I do promise, once we get these company's you bet your ass we'll be making deals like no tomorrow."

I laughed. "You make it sound so easy."

We gathered our things, turned off the lights, and headed towards the elevator. I said goodbyes to Amy. It was only then when things didn't start to go as plan. I'd told Anthony days before that kissing outside of my father's office was a no-go. For many reasons, many, many. Some he understood and other he didn't.

His lips were on mine and he was pulling me closer to him. The zings in my body were going all over the place but I knew I needed to stop this. But as we started to kiss again his door opened and I couldn't pull away from the kiss in time.

Father blinked at least three times, flared his nostrils, and cracked his knuckles using one hand. When I looked at Anthony I noticed the smirk plastered onto his face, of course he was planning this. I thought.


The elevator door opened with a ding and I pulled Anthony in. I moved my hair to one side of my neck and looked at my father. "This will be our little secret, okay? No one finds out, not Mom, Becca, or Turner." The doors started to close. "Do you understand me?"

They closed with a ding and I looked at Anthony suddenly realizing what had left my mouth. "Holy shit."

He snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me close. "You're my badass girlfriend, it's settled."


When I pulled him into the house I think my mom was the most surprised to see him. She smiled with her eyebrows raised then noted that our hands were clasped together. "Anthony! Oh my, it's been awhile."

He let go of my hand and gave Mom a hug. Which through everyone off in the room, but mom went with it as she always did. "I know, but I hope to be seeing everyone sooner."

She smiled at him. "Do you want anything to drink? Are you staying for dinner? Turner has his friend coming over."

Turner looked at me with a brow raised. But we were thinking to different things. "If you could excuse us." I pulled Turner towards the downstairs office and clicked the door locked.

"Did you not tell Mom about your boyfriend?"

"Why were you holding hands with him?" We both said in unison.

I crossed my arms and urged him to talk first. "I'm sorry, but there's some things I'm not ready to share. I just want to see if Mom likes him first, that's all. Now answer my damn question."

Forming words of the situation I was in with Anthony was a little tricky to piece together. There were so many things I could say but some of those things I couldn't exactly disclose to my brother without him getting weirded out or getting mad at me for choosing him over Alex.

I shrugged my shoulders and crossed my arms against my chest. "I--"

"Turner, your friend is here!"


Hello, my lovely readers! I hope everyone is doing well! School starts for me very, very, soon and I'm not ready.

I recently finished Call Me By Your Name, and let's just say that book is crazy. I started the second one and I've taken a two day break from the first part because I couldn't wrap my head around anything. Why Sam? Why!

THANK YOU FOR OVER 700 READS!! <3 (9/3/20)

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-addison <3

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