Chapter 1: Saidy

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Her golden fur is blown back from the wind, her head lowered, her paws hitting the cement in long, graceful bounds. The yellow lab is my dog, nine months old, fast paws and strong shoulders. Her name is Saidy, and she's everything to me. My name is Emma Winsley, I'm a thirteen year old blondie with brown eyes and a love for animals. Saidy and I love to run- I live on a dead end street in Chicago, so we can run laps and only cross the street twice for one lap. I jog with her at first, get her used to being held close and being controlled she's just a puppy, she naturally pulls on the leash. But when she proves calm enough, I loosen the leash and tell her to sprint. She takes off down the street, full speed with me close behind her. Her ears flap in the wind, and her tail goes a mile a minute, and me, I just love the wind in my face, my hair behind me, and the love of having a dog of my own. My mom's dog, Bentu, a small brown and white papillon, is imperfect. He constantly tugs on the leash and charges other dogs three times his own size, and he's barely bigger than a chihuahua. Saidy may pull, but when we run, she's perfect. Nothing can compare to the thrill of seeing her run, seeing her speed, and her beauty. That right there is a dog.

So anyway I'm jogging with Saidy right, and she's got the prettiest smile on her golden face, and she looks so happy I had to reach down and ruffle her yellow coat, and in response she turns her head and sends me a look that tells me she loves me too. I smile and we continue jogging, the cool morning air of Saturday slightly pulling my hair back, and the song birds that Saidy chases but can never catch are singing, and suddenly out of the blue some dude driving a red and blue semi truck pulls out in front of me at full speed just as we were about to cross the street and skids to a stop. The passenger seat door opens, and no one is driving the freaking truck. A deep, thundering voice then calls to me, "Get in, now!" I, despite the terrifyingly deep voice ordering me to get in,  scream and pull Saidy away. Then three freaking black and purple sports cars pull up, one bashes the truck from behind, another slams it from the left and the last one pulls in front of it. I was thinking some drunk freaks were try to kidnap me, and Saidy was probably thinking worse because she was bouncing up and down, barking and tugging at the leash like a moron does when they see candy. But, no, it gets worse than freaking kidnap when the truck turns into a giant red and blue robot. Then the other three do the same! Now I think I lost it, and Saidy is now whimpering and hiding behind me and I'm sarcastically telling her she's my hero. So the three robo giants are tussling it up and pounding eachother, and the red and blue one seems to be winning. Yep that's all I have to see-- I turn and yank Saidy's leash and tell her to sprint. How we're running down the street, away from the robots who are turning eachother into Cyber Sauce. Saidy has her tail in between her legs and keeps looking back to see if the robots are following,  and after we get halfway down the street I yank her behind a jade green jeep that seriously needs a new freaking paintjob. YEAH I'M TALKING ABOUT YOUR CAR, CARL!!! Anyway so I'm sitting there gasping like a dude that almost drowned, and Saidy is whimpering and crying, and the red and blue semi truck pulls up AGAIN. Instincts, the predator and we are all the prey, and my instincts told me to scream like a chewtoy in a garbage compactor.

"Wait!" The dude said, ordering but gentle as I was about to take off running with Saidy again, "my intentions are not to harm you, or your friend." Friend? Oh, Saidy, right!

"What do you want!?" Was the one question that fell out of my mouth immediately.

"Just to ensure your safety, and all will be explained once you are far from harm, I must get you where the Decepticons cannot follow." Mr.Batman Voice replies, the door opening again. Oh, lovely.

"What are you who are you and HECK NO IM NOT GOING WITH YOU!" I answered with a step back, tugging on Saidy because she was acting like a maniac on a leash again.

"We just want to protect you. Allow me to escort you to saftey, please." Mr.Batman Voice says again, this time slightly begging.

Aww, hell, I'm gonna die sometime in my life so what have I got to lose? I sigh and climb in, and tugging on the leash for Saidy to jump in as well. Not going ANYWHERE without her by my side. I let her sit at the floorboards of the passenger seat with her head on my lap, and I stroke her head,  which is softer than kittens. Her legs are trembling and she seems terrified for her life, so I just keep cuddling her and tell her it's alright as Mr.Batman Voice drives. About twenty minutes later, he pulls off the road and heads straight for a cliff side, then part of the  Cliffside opens and BAM we're in some crazy little hideout.

"I am going to escort you to your home as well, may I ask where you live?" He asks me as he slows to a stop.

With a sigh I pull out a sticky note pad from my pocket and scribble down my address, open the glove compartment and toss the notepad in. "There." Was all o said before I got and called Saidy to jump down. Her tail is in between her legs, her fur is raised and her ears are perked. Poor baby. After I got out, Mr.Batman Voice transforms into robo mode or whatever, and I have to die to hold in my laughter. The sticky note I put in the glove compartment is stuck to his forehead, my address scribbled across the front. I should have written ☆Emma Waz Here!☆ across the front, and that would be hysterical. It already was hysterical with that sticky note on his forehead. I heard more laughter, and there's some chic with dark hair with pink highlights laughing hysterically as well. It takes a few seconds for Mr.Batman Voice to realize what was going on, and he pulled off the sticky note with a small sigh. After memorizing what I had written on it, he crumpled it up and made his way to a large computer, where some orange and white robo dude was trying to hold in laughs as well.

"Ratchet, I have retrieved the girl. Explanations would be distributed." He mutters grimly to the orange and white dude, who glances at me and nods.

"Dude your color combination is cool." Random comment from me. You'll hear a lot of those.

Mr.Orange and White comes over to me and points to a staircase that leads up to a platform, with a couch and a TV on it. The dark haired girl is watching from the couch, fiddling with the end of her braid.

"It may be easier if you were up there." Mr.Orange and White says.

Eh. Whatever. With a little tug on Saidy I led her up the staircase, and when she saw the girl she went bonkers,  tugging at the leash trying to get closer and say hi. She's a very social dog.

"Awww that dog is adorable!" The girl says happily as Saidy pulls over and starts sniffing her legs. "I'm Miko." She says to me as she begins to pet and snuggle the golden lab, who is again acting like a maniac.

"I'm Emma." I reply, and turn back to the robots. "Someone wanna tell me why I'm here?"

Mr.Orange and White nods. "It's a long strory... We, Optimus and I, are atominous robot organisms from the planet Cybertron, Autobots for short. We came to your planet for the supply of energon, the lifeblood to all Cybertronians. But our enemies followed us here, and we battle them every day over the supply of energon. There were also Cybertronians that... had human blood in their veins. Techno organics, rare and powerful life forms. You, are one of them."

Okay, say what now? I'm some freak alien? I didn't think it was written on my birth certificate... "Umm... Oh... wow. That's umm... That's cool. So... what else?"

"The Decepticons, our enemy, are searching for you, and they will stop at nothing to have you in their grasp. Your in danger, and that's why your here." He adds.

Mr.Batman Voice nods. "I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots."

"And Ratchet there is the doctor of doom here." Miko says, rubbing Saidy's tummy.

"Those names are not even close to the nicknames I was giving you." I giggle, thinking of how Optimus's voice reminded me of Batman.

"We have yet to find out how the Decepticons found you, but until we can stop the threat, you will be under our watch." Optimus tells me, his... umm... Eyes, I think? His eyes flashing a light blue. He and Ratchet have the same eye color. Wonder if that's Cybertronian.

"Welcome to the gang!" Miko does jazz hands behind me, a goofy look on her face.

"Welcome who to the gang?" A teenage boy voice calls, and a raven haired boy and a younger brown haired boy join us on the platform, and two new robots were in the room. One appears to be a girl, dark blue paintjob with pink detailing, and one black and yellow dude.

Ratchet Sighs and re-does his Whole little speech for the other two boys, who are now looking at me like I'm crazy. Not my fault I'm an alien! I'm having a panic attack just thinking that I haven't known this for thirteen years!

"Well. Guess I'm an alien then." I shrug and rub Saidy head.

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