Chapter 2: Oh Wow

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Okay so now I know all the Autobots- Arcee, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Optimus and Ratchet. Step one completed. Now I just have to get used to all of this, overwhelming stuff. Finding out your an alien really shakes you hard, ya know? Anyway, it's about 6:00, I've been hanging at base for quite a while then I realize: Home. Mom and Dad were probably calling the cops by now, it's been like five hours! Time to go! Saidy was sleeping on the couch, and I  hate to wake her, but we gotta go.

"Hey Optimus!" From the platform, I wave and call to Optimus in hopes he can give me a ride. "Uh, I should probably be home right now... So... can you give me a ride or what?"

He nods, and transforms into the semi truck that brought me here in the first place. I lead Saidy over, get her in the back seat, and climb into the passenger seat without a word.

When we get outside, it's kinda dark, and the sunset is gone. Just the night now. Optimus drives in silence, and I wonder why. I hate silences, especially when it gets really awkward. This is awkward. I wonder if it bothers him that I have Saidy, so I tap on the dashboard to get his attention.


"Umm... Does it bother you that I have my dog with me?" The question pierced the silence head on, and I wait for him to answer.

"No." He replies. Wow what a talker.

With a sigh I lean back in the leather seat, thinking of how I was an alien. Then it hit me. "Optimus, if I'm from Cybertron, why am I here?"

"It stands to reason that before you were born, Cybertronian energon mixed with your parental units blood when they reproduced an offspring, you."

"So, my parents know?" More questions from me.

"In the research Ratchet discovered about you, Your parental units are not the ones you have now, and disapeared long ago." Optimus tells me.


"Emma, calm yourself." Optimus says cooly.

"They lied to me Optimus." Was all I could say.


I'm sitting at the dinner table, poking my steak with my fork, just staring at mom and dad, who were watching the Master Chef show. Saidy was by my feet, begging for my food, mom's dog Bentu was sitting on the couch and my cat Crystal was creeping up behind him.

"You alright Em?" Dad asks.

I send him a cold glare, and say, "I'm adopted, aren't I? You lied to me . I'm adopted."

The look on their faces... the pure shock and horror. Yeah, I found the truth.

"No, sweetie, that's not true." Mom shakes her head.

"Stop lying to me! For once just tell me the truth! Why? Why didn't you tell me?" My angry voice turned into a shout. My whole life has been a lie. Now that I'm an alien, everything is changing... and I don't want it to.

"Okay... We'll have a talk after dinner." Mom nods, her eyes showing both pain and concern, and I would care if what was happening wasn't happening.

"No! Your just going to put it off!" Was my defense against her normal way of putting things aside and never actually deal with them. It's what she does, and I'm not going to take it. Not anymore. I get up and leave the table, flew up the stairs and down the hall towards my bedroom. I took some comfort in the fact that Saidy followed me up and came with me to my room. She always has. After slamming the door, I flop down on my bed, my throat choking on my sobs as tears begun to pour from my eyes. They lied to me. They didn't care... Saidy is on the bed too, nuzzling me and her round brown eyes are worried and scared. Forcing a smile and stroking her head, and closing my eyes and whispering,  "they could've told me, I could have known," is all I did for the next five minutes.

"Heh... Heh... Heh...Heh..."

I open my eyes to see Saidy panting, and I smile and tell her I think the room was too hot too. I roll off my bed and walk over to the window, and have a panic attack when I see Optimus parked in front of our house. The window frame was cold as I unlatched it and opened the window, "Optimus, your a stalker! Why are you still here?!"

"Safeguarding you, for the Decepticons may attempt something after dark." He calls back, and I realize how I'm going to escape this mess.

"Well Mr.Batman Voice, you may be a stalker, but your a life saver too." I leave the window and grab a bag, stuff some clothes into it, my phone and it's charger, Saidy's dog training treats and a little bag of dog food I keep up in my room to feed her when Dad doesn't give her anymore food. "Saidy come on." I click her leash onto her collar and pat her shoulder to tell her to get up and off my bed. We run downstairs, and Mom and Dad are in the kitchen. There's a wall keeping the front door out of their view, so I easily sneak over, turn the knob, and dash to Optimus.

"What are you doing?!" He questions as Saidy and I get in.

"Making a run for it, so step on it Mom and Dad are coming."

When he doesn't move, and Mom and Dad burst out the front door, I scream, "Move it!" And we're off, just driving away from my house.

"Why are we doing this?"

"Because they lied to me Optimus. I can't trust them anymore." I reply.

"And... Emma?"


".....Who's Batman?"


Ratchet sends me this funny look and I roll my eyes and tell him why I ran away. They just don't understand, adults. You'd get jumped on the street and they go yelling at you for getting in a fight. Joyful, right?

"Hmm. So you'll be bunking down here?" Miko asks.

"Yeah, Saidy and I." I sigh and begin to walk towards the staircase that leads to the platform when Ratchet quickly spins around holding a clear bowl of blue liquid, and a few drops come flying out and hit me. "Ewww." I mutter.

I'm sitting on the couch, right? And suddenly I start hearing this loud humming, sounding mechanical, and I look around, but no one else hears it. It's getting louder, and I cover my ears to block it out, but whatever it is its coming from my head because blocking it out doesn't work.

"You okay Emma?" Miko says worriedly, and when I look at her, she gasps and backs away.

"What?" I ask.

She snaps a picture of me, then shows me the picture. My heart skips a beat and my body slightly trembles.

"Ratchet," I stand up and call, my legs shaking,  "why are my eyes blue?!"

Transformers Prime: Through My Eyes {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now