Chapter 18: Gotta Love the Nemesis

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Emma's POV:

Eeerg... These chains are too tight... I tug at the strong chains that held me in the cell, growling as they scrape over my clawed and scarred for life flanks. Optimus stands about five feet away, in chains as well. Well, vacation on the Nemesis. Fantastic!

"Someone kill me please." The chains shift uncomfortably as I attempt to lay down. My beast mode is a heck of a lot less intimidating in chains.

Optimus looks over at me foolishly trying to lay down, his optics questioning. I roll my own optics and give up, returning to a full on standing position. There's gotta be a way out of this...

The door opens, and Princess Tall, Grey and Bratty comes in... Holding a prod.

"It's quite thrilling to have the mighty Optimus Prime on board my warship, but his pet beast as well?" Megatron smiles, a deadly, bloodthirsty smile. "Now that is most satisfying."

"PET?!" I roar. "Optimus he just called me a pet!!!"

Optimus doesn't say anything, just glares at him with angry optics. I can tell he sees the prod, and he has that look that says, 'Come near me with that and it'll end up in your small intestine'. 

Megatron slowly walks around behind Optimus, and ever so gently touches Optimus's lower back with the prod, a sensitive and vulnerable place.

"AAACK!" Optimus just barely lets out a cry of pain, barely, but you can tell he's holding in a scream.

Megatron's smile grows as he holds the prod against Optimus, the light flashing and Optimus's optics glowing with pain.

"Lord Megatron!" The warlord's com link rings. Starscream!

Megatron removes the prod and turns away, his metal digit pressed against his audio receptor as he readies to reply. Optimus lets out a gasp of relief, as the prod ceases it's contact, but I can tell it still hurts. We gotta get out of here.

Megatron growls and says into the com link, "I will be there shortly." He turns and strides out of the room, sending Optimus one last angry glance.

Optimus can't understand me, but I can still show him I care. I let out a small whimper, as to say 'Are you alright?'. He looks over at me and nods.

"I am fine." He replies, but I can hear it in his voice... I can hear the pain, and smell the hurt. I'm not taking this. Then an idea hits me.

I transform into human mode, the empty chains falling around me. YAY!!!

"Optimus!" My feet thud on the floor as I run over to him. Looking at the chains, I can tell we can't get them off easily...

He sees where I'm going and says, "Key."

"Right! Key!" I turn and bolt for the closed door, motion detected probably, because it opens as I come up to it. There are two guards, who both spin and point cannons at me.

"Guess what?" I ask.

"....what?" One of them slightly tilts it's head.

"Heh... I can turn into a T-rex." I laugh as I transform.

Transformers Prime: Through My Eyes {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now