Chapter 16: Time Lasts

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{General Narration}

It has been a little past a month since the day Everence joined Team Prime, a quiet month for the Decepticons, Megatron was practically steaming in anger, his wounds took long time to heal, and his shoulder now carries a deep, ragged scar from where the predacon, or Emma, had bitten him. All he wants is to see the Autobots dead, and the predacon dead amongst them.

Emma POV:

Optimus strides into the room just as the computer starts beeping something fierce, and like a flash of lightning Ratchet is typing on it.

"Energon on the move." He says to the rest of us, me being on the railing with Saidy passed out on the couch. Jack, Raf, and Miko were with their guardians doing whatever, and Everence was on patrol,  so it's just me, the Chief, and Doctor Doom.

Optimus nods. "I will investigate." Just before Ratchet starts up the groundbridge, I wave and jump up and down.

"Can I come??" Practically spazzing out, I call.

Optimus's optics show reluctance, but once his wounds got better he trained me and taught me how to fight fair instead of dirty, so he can't complain.

"Very well." The groundbridge starts up, and I'm trotting beside him. Ratchet doesn't like me in beast mode inside the base, cuz apparently I'm too clumsy and break stuff, so I'm in human form until we get out there.

We appear to be on a cliff, and- oh hey look! It's Kenny...

Knockout is carrying a big blue cube, Energon, over to a couple vehicons.

"Hey Kenny!" I yell at the top of my lungs, waving hysterically while Optimus just watches in confusion.

Knockout looks at me, facepalms, then points at us and says something to the vehicons. They begin to charge us, and YAY!!! RAGE MODE TIME!!! I transform naturally, Optimus has been working on that with me, and I let out an ear splitting roar.

Two take on Optimus, and the other five take on me. Too easy! One starts to run at top speed towards me, probably expecting me to push him away, but I don't,  and he keeps running right into me. He bounces off my flank and lands on his tailpipes with a thud, looking confused. Another charges me from behind, but I lash my tail and send him flying. The three that are left run from all directions, so I just pick them off one by one. I crunch the waist of the first one with my jaws and fling him at the second one. Then I lock onto the last one's shoulder and rip it off, taking out part of the chest and spark chamber with it. He coughs, and I recognize his voice. The one I called Richard!

"Optimus, we have a problem. I just killed Richard." I say in a serious tone, still joking though, as I watch Optimus take out the last one. Of course, he doesn't speak beast, so he misses out on my humor.

A look of sudden shock fills Optimus's optics, and I realize he's staring at the ground. Slowly, I turn my head to see. The ground beneath us is cracking.

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